So the point of this site is to unite chicago bikers, but so far, I haven't met a single one of you. How do people feel about meeting up on tuesday ($2 drafts) and shooting the shit? Maybe discussing/planning some rides?

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Hey Bart - Great idea, I'm in. Hope to see more chainlink members there too!

Easy Bar is at 1944 W. Division. Here's the google map:,+Chicago,+Illinois+...
sure why not? See you there.
after seeing the discussion on drinking and riding, why does a social have to take place at night?, better yet, why at a bar, why not a picnic, or bbq, or Mickey D's, BurgerKing or just the beach? After all, it's bicycling, not drinking. Lots of beautiful places to meet at at lake front or the other trails.
If you come Judy, I will buy your first water. Hows that sound?
might stop by after work if i'm not too tired. :)
bart, if i came, i do drink, but i wouldn't come on a bike

Bart said:
If you come Judy, I will buy your first water. Hows that sound?
i still don't have the knack of the reply part, 2nd time i missed typing in the right spot
Great ideas about non-drinking, or even non-riding get-togethers. I actually just posted one in the rides & events section - a chainlink viewing party for the bike part of the triathlon. I watched it last year at the bike turnaround and it was great to not only see the athletes but it's also great bike eye candy. Link here.
Hey, that rocks! It's right by my place, too, so I just might be able to make it...

And as much as I'd be into doing a late-night get together, I totally have to lame out on "school nights." If I get to sleep much past 11PM, I'm basically useless at work the next day.

Leah said:
Great ideas about non-drinking, or even non-riding get-togethers. I actually just posted one in the rides & events section - a chainlink viewing party for the bike part of the triathlon. I watched it last year at the bike turnaround and it was great to not only see the athletes but it's also great bike eye candy. Link here.
ok, see you guys there


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