The Chainlink

We just did it.  Thanks ya'll!

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we totally rock!
Looks like some lucky contestant gets a new set of Samsonite luggage!
The roles of Don Pardo and Johnny Olson were played by Mr. Kevin Conway.

Kevin Conway said:
Looks like some lucky contestant gets a new set of Samsonite luggage!
That's IT! this is getting too crowded!
I'm assuming 4000 members on here? Although at first I thought it was 4000 miles ridden for the year!
didnt we have 4,000 a while ago or am I just hungover?
I'm closing in on 4000!

Ricardo Cervantes said:
I'm assuming 4000 members on here? Although at first I thought it was 4000 miles ridden for the year!
And 225 for Marauders, the largest active group out here. Edifying. We couldn't have done it if not for the Clink. I hope you realise how profound the impact of your vision has been on bicycling in Chicago. I do.
Thanks Leah.
martin I remember when North Side Riders was neck 'n neck with Marauders....

Martin Hazard said:
And 225 for Marauders, the largest active group out here. Edifying. We couldn't have done it if not for the Clink. I hope you realise how profound the impact of your vision has been on bicycling in Chicago. I do.
Thanks Leah.
Is it time to declare Midnight Marauders "a victim of its own success" yet?

Martin Hazard said:
And 225 for Marauders, the largest active group out here. Edifying. We couldn't have done it if not for the Clink. I hope you realise how profound the impact of your vision has been on bicycling in Chicago. I do.
Thanks Leah.

H3N3 said:
Is it time to declare Midnight Marauders "a victim of its own success" yet?

Martin Hazard said:
And 225 for Marauders, the largest active group out here. Edifying. We couldn't have done it if not for the Clink. I hope you realise how profound the impact of your vision has been on bicycling in Chicago. I do.
Thanks Leah.


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