I've never much liked the feel/SMELL of synthetic fibers, so I've been slowly re-outfitting my cold weather clothing with wool. Yesterday I noticed that I've seemingly misplaced my balaclava, so I thought it was a good opportunity to replace it with one made of natural fibers. Does anyone know of a wool balaclava source here in town?

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Any shop that carries Ibex should have their merino balaclava


My shop carries both the Ibex as well as custom team balaclavas in orange. But to be fair, I should also say that not all synthetics are equal. I too tend to dislike synthetics, especially the thick fabrics used for balaclavas (fleece is especially bad) -- but the fancier hollow fiber synthetics can be really nice. Craft makes super thin, super breathable synthetics that are perfectly warm below freezing.
Thanks for the reply, J. I had a fleece "ninja mask" that I've been wearing for the last 2 winters. But I shave my head, and I notice that between the cold, sweat, and fleece on my bare skin, I get a wacky reaction on the back of my neck. I want no more of this!
Then the Ibex stuff (or really any thin merino balaclava) might work best for you. The only caveat I'd offer is that wool warming stuff can be much warmer than synthetic equivalents... (the arm/leg warmers in particular, the head stuff to a lesser extent) but for many, the benefits (breathability, no smell, much broader usable temperature range, aesthetics, feel, allergies) far outweigh the demerits (cost, warmth, sometimes fit/stretch). The riders on my team were completely unfamiliar with wool cycling apparel before joining... and for the most part, everyone has become a convert -- especially for, but not limited to, cool and cold weather cycling. (We do a head to toe wool kit.)
I've been swearing by and raving about my Ibex wool boxer briefs. I find that between those and a Brooks saddle, my posterior is SORTED. :-)
Hey J. REI carries the smartwool version... I don't know if they have it in the store for certain, but it's a good bet...
www.rivbike.com might have something for you, too.
Thanks! I like Rivendell's products a lot, but they often take a long time to ship. I thought that I was going to need a new balaclava ASAP, but with this miraculous upturn in sweet weather I might be able to put off scoring a new one a bit longer. Riv's price for that product is pretty reasonable too.

Nick said:
www.rivbike.com might have something for you, too.


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