weird thread: do any of you have a chronic disease that affects your rides?

this is just a topic im very cuious about. i have type one juvanile/ insulin dependant diabetes, it affects every single ride i take long or short. just wanna hear about anyone else who has a disease that effects their rides

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just to add this november is my decade of diabetes celebration for my 10 yrs of being diabetic since i was 14 in 8th grade. what should my celebration include?
drinking and eating a lot of sugar candy!! jk
There is an amazing article in last month's Bicycling Magazine about "Team Type 1", professional bikers with diabetes:,6610,s1-3-12-17839-1,00.html. Good for us all to read actually.

I myself have some curvatures/degenerative spine issues, but as long as I keep in shape they don't bother me.
I have an affliction that causes an unholy compulsion to sit on a bike saddle for hours on end. As for now, there is no cure (save for more cowbell).

But to be serious, I don't have any chronic disease (that I know of), but my feet are totally f'ed up. They supinate (roll outwards) horribly, and unless I adjust for that--through cleat wedges and/or insoles--it causes me terrible pain. And this radiates from my foot all the way up the muscle on the outside of my calf. It blows.
dude that rocks they have type 1 team. Thanks for posting a link to that article. Id need camelback things full of juice for any ride over 15 miles haha i eat non stop all day its ridiculous. I sometimes get tired of having to eat so much to keep my blood sugar up but i do so much physical activity i have to.
i have definetly had my fair share of seizures over the years and all i can do is thank my friends and family for helping me many times

Julie Hochstadter said:
There is an amazing article in last month's Bicycling Magazine about "Team Type 1", professional bikers with diabetes:,6610,s1-3-12-17839-1,00.html. Good for us all to read actually.

I myself have some curvatures/degenerative spine issues, but as long as I keep in shape they don't bother me.
Brutal man i feel for ya. My pop has only one eye. he rocks a glass eye and his unle has only one eye but he rocks the patch! i think the patch is cooler
Eric said:
I only have one eye, it doesn't have much effect on my riding other than that it sucks trying to look over my right shoulder. I usually try to keep other people on my left side so I can see them when I ride.

Other than that, I have degenerative disk disease... some of the disks in my back are bulging and pretty painful when I sit or stand but that just needs some real good stretching before and after rides to keep much injury from happening.


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