After I completed my thesis in April I gave myself two goals to accomplish by Dec 31st.

1) 4,000 miles
2) Squat 225lbs - 6 reps

Instead of rockin' critical mass, I rocked #2 yesterday (and in the process almost went #2 :P ). The best part was when the big sweaty muscle dude (the guy that starts out benching 300lbs) came up to me and told me that he was "Hella impressed."

Anyways . . . .

Anyone else accomplish some goals lately?

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My goal is to find a riding buddy by the end of the winter, someone who can motivate me to ride harder than if i was on my own.

Then I hope to complete the Minnesote Bike Ironman in April...hopefully I'll be century ready after the winter break.

Currently taking applications for said riding buddy.
How long and hard do you wanna ride?

And does riding buddy also include riding a trainer when it gets way to effin cold to enjoy riding?
Love this thread. I'm totally with Tommie on invading the weight room. Good change of pace for the winter, and solid entertainment in the process. I recently waited for two guys with no necks to finish their leg press sets, taking all the time in the world. When they were done they looked at me and started to pull plates off the sled, with a look of, "okay skinny guy we'll help you out here." I said, "ah nope, but thanks," and slid on several more plates. They actually stayed around and watched to see if I was really gonna do it.

Anyhow this is a GREAT time of year to think about goals for the winter. Set them up now before the weather hits and the days get shorter. Come out of the winter psyched and motivated by exceeding your goals.


PS Riding hard in cold weather will make you want to quit smoking...I kid you not.
I totally believe that unless you're racing at an elite level one should be at the gym all year round. Once you get past that you're working out in front of strangers, everything is all good.

Ladies, if you're tired of dudes hitting on you in the gym (or elsewhere) go buy a set of head phones and a cheap wedding band or engagement ring. Most guys notice the ring right after they notice you.

B said:
Love this thread. I'm totally with Tommie on invading the weight room. Good change of pace for the winter, and solid entertainment in the process. I recently waited for two guys with no necks to finish their leg press sets, taking all the time in the world. When they were done they looked at me and started to pull plates off the sled, with a look of, "okay skinny guy we'll help you out here." I said, "ah nope, but thanks," and slid on several more plates. They actually stayed around and watched to see if I was really gonna do it.

Anyhow this is a GREAT time of year to think about goals for the winter. Set them up now before the weather hits and the days get shorter. Come out of the winter psyched and motivated by exceeding your goals.


PS Riding hard in cold weather will make you want to quit smoking...I kid you not.
Hmmmm....harder than I'm riding now I suppose. I don't really know how to quantify. If riding around 20 miles or less I tend to stay somewhere between 16 and 21. Since I spent all summer riding by myself, I've noticed that when I do ride with someone else I'm kind of all over the place (speed wise). I had a cycling friend in town a few weeks ago and I rode with him and it was amazing. So nice to be able to stay with someone and motivate each other...but no need to explain the joys of riding with a friend here I suppose.

And since I just purchased my trainer thanks to Willie I hope to be using that during the snowy/icy/crappy times. I have a hunch my mark v won't be too friendly towards larger tires....

And yes, weight lifting is awesome. I never feel intimidated down there with "the guys", and it makes such a difference! Also looking for a weight lifting buddy....but thats more limited by gym.

Tommie said:
How long and hard do you wanna ride?

And does riding buddy also include riding a trainer when it gets way to effin cold to enjoy riding?
Three years ago, at age 37, with bike commuting having been my only form of exercise since time immemorial (and then not very consistently) I somehow developed the obsessive notion that I should play roller derby. I got a trainer and some skates, tried out, was accepted, and played for 2 years (admittedly not very well, but I was enthusiastic!) before my knees demanded I stop. I ran for and was voted onto the Board of Directors of the league, too, and while on that I developed an All-Star team that finished seventh in the nation in its first season of play and is currently in the running for the national championship. That experience kind of convinced me that I can probably do just about anything I take a notion to, if I'm not concerned with being perfect at it (which is what stopped me from doing much of anything before).

Current goals:
1. build up a touring bike without spending "new" money.
2. cobble together enough freelance stuff to quit my corporate job
3. spend 2 months touring the US.

Giving myself 2 years. Wish me luck!


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