It's fall everyone, yeah!

I sweat like a disgusting pig all summer so I love fall riding. I love dusk and night rides when the temps get a little cooler and the body temp stays nice and level. Can't say much for the fall rains, but it comes with the territory I guess.

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You wouldn't know it was Fall with the forecast of pretty Summerish weather (yet I find the prognosticators to be as accurate as my cats) this week. Hell, my shorts are still a little damp with the megasweat I kicked up on my morning commute. But I'm definitely not complaining!
It was 92% humidity and 71 degrees this morning at 7:30 in Oak Park. Ugh... I put in about 27 miles this morning and (even without a bag on my back) I was sweating it up.
Those are the kind of conditions I used to commute through in in New Orleans. In a weird, wacky way, I kind of miss them. I guess that mean humidity makes me nostalgic...

vxla said:
It was 92% humidity and 71 degrees this morning at 7:30 in Oak Park. Ugh... I put in about 27 miles this morning and (even without a bag on my back) I was sweating it up.
YES! I absolutely love fall riding and that's one of the big reasons. Although whatever the season, don't you know that riding is the best excuse for arriving somewhere sweaty? :)
Im not an exhibitionist by any means but if its anything over 60 i just wear as little clothing as possible otherwise my clothes will be soaked for hours after i get to work which gets nasty. haha next thing ya know im gonna be a naked hippie riding my bike around town
At what temp do you guys stop wearing shorts? I am hoping to until the first snow! From what I remember last year the only part of my body that was ever cold were my hands and face.
2slowTreck said:
At what temp do you guys stop wearing shorts? I am hoping to until the first snow! From what I remember last year the only part of my body that was ever cold were my hands and face.

I'll wear shorts all the way until it gets down to the upper 30s. But I will wear knee warmers. The skin of your knee is pretty thin, and it's easy to injure the moving parts in there if you're knee gets cold and stiff. I also have some BDU's I've hemmed up into knickers that I'll throw over my shorts if it's too cold.
I'm hell-bent on wearing shorts as long as humanly possible. But when the lower '40s strike, time to throw on the pants. But I just picked some wool leggings that I'm actually looking forward to trying out.
Exactly! I NEED a reason to pull out my Capri pants and Catholic school girl outfit.
Ha ha! That is a PROMISE!

And I only wear a thong on Sundays.
M.A.R.K. said:
Just be conscious of your whale tail please and thanks.

justJason said:
Exactly! I NEED a reason to pull out my Capri pants and Catholic school girl outfit.


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