Please join me 2-20-19 !  . . .

Planning to attend the CDOT'S Mayor's 'PEDESTRIAN' Advisory Council Meeting Wednesday February 20, at 3pm in City Hall to raise a voice in memory and honor for cyclist Jesse Rodriguez who's death will be improperly ruled (IMHO) as a pedestrian's fatality and not as a CYCLIST'S. 

Chicago Cycling Fatalities for 2018 = 6

Rest in everlasting peace ! 

"Your families will always be in my prayers !"

Photo Credit: Linda Mastandrea from SBC 1-14-19 (Jesse Rodriguez family) . . .

* Carlos D. Ocana-Castillo, 21, at 1800 s. 59th St. 2-28-18.

* Raul Ortiz-Gomez, 41, at Ogden and Erie, 6-13-18.

* Luster Jackson, 58, at 7200 s. Stony Island, 7-28-18.

* Angela Park, 39, at Halsted and Madison, 8-10-18. 

* Jimmy Lispier, 42, at 4400 w. Division St. 8-23-18.

* Jesse Rodriguez, 67, at Devon and McCormick, 9-23-18. 

Chainlink members: Good luck. Thank you to all the good members from the past and present  . . .  See you all soon, somewhere down the road  . . .

Remembering The 6 Cyclists That Died  In Chicago Bike Crashes In 2018 :

A 67 year-old cyclist was killed In a hit-and-run 9-23-18 at Devon Avenue and McCormick Blvd. 

Jesse Rodriguez

Angela Park

The month of August 2018 has been especially deadly for cyclists in Chicago. Three cyclists have died in a three-week period recently. 

Luster Jackson

8-26-18 Jimmy Lispier ,42, of West Humboldt Park will be announced  by authorities as the fifth on-street Chicago cycling fatality in 2018

2-28-18 Carlos D. Ocana-Castillo, 21.
Just recently released to the media:
On Wednesday February 28, 2018, at 10:25am a driver fatality struck Carlos D. Ocana-Castillo, 21, on his bicycle from behind in 1800 block of w. 59th and fled the scene.

Carlos was hit when a vehicle's driver changed lanes and struck him from behind and then fled the scene of the fatal crash.

Carlos D. Ocana - Castillo, 21, 1800 s. 59th st. 2-28-18.

Raul Ortiz-Gomez, 41, Erie and Ogden 6-13-18

6-13-18 The fatality site was actually at Erie and Ogden and Raul Ortiz-Gomez, 41, was hit in the crosswalk! Seems to have good enough visibility sight lines. Perhaps another, "OOPS, I didn't see you!"


Update 6-16-18


Now a bystander says she was nearby when the collision occurred and says the Uber driver was driving WEST on ERIE and turning N.E.onto OGDEN when he hit and killed the cyclist. EDITED 6-16-18.


"I am so very sorry for your loss. I did not know Raul, I witnessed the accident. I spoke to him and prayed for him as we waited for the ambulance. May he rest in peace. Your family will be in my prayers."

Posted by: Andréa Murphy - Chicago, IL
Jun 16, 2018

*Music Video - about losing a close cycling friend. Future Peers - 'Lines' (3:56)

Chainlink Members: Hopefully, someone will contine to post any Chicago On-Street Cycling Fatalities for 2019 and in future years.Thanks. Farewell !  . . . (4:03)

CDOT ultimately decides at the end of the year what the official cycling fatality count is for the year. It is not unheard of, according to their ambiguous reasoning, to eliminate a Chicago cycling fatality for no logical reason IMO, except to artificially and inaccurately lower the official  count.

Note: CDOT'S yearly Chicago on-streets cycling fatalities is limited to include cyclists (in motion only, apparently) that are killed only on Chicago streets (parking lots and sidewalks excluded, apparently) by  moving vehicles only, (trains excluded, apparently! )  . . .

Perhaps my next undertaking may be to monitor/study/analyze data of Chicago cyclists injured in crashes (in all situations) and/or suggest/implement /improvement in reporting by those injured cyclists to local authorities. Perhaps starting a reporting website or info blog.  . . . thanks!  . . .

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Hopefully, charges will be upgraded later.

Angela Park, 39   RIP  +

This is the fourth Chicago cyclist death for 2018.

Coach Angela Park

There is a vigil scheduled for Angela Park on Friday , August 31 at 7:10pm, Halsted and Madison. The event is being planned and organized by Ghost Bikes Chicago's Kristen Green.

"If you are attending the service, it would be Angela’s wishes that you wear pink or sparkly clothing."

Rest In Peace Fellow Cyclist . . .

Jesse Rodriguez, 67, was killed In a hit-and-run on 9-23-18 at Devon Avenue and McCormick Blvd. 

This is the sixth on-street cycling fatality in Chicago for 2018.

We have now matched the 2017 total. 

At the December Mayor's Bicycle Advisory Council meeting, this was reported as a pedestrian-issue and not a bicycle-issue, since he was standing and waiting to cross the street.  He was walking, not riding.

May Jesse Rodriguez Rest in Peace !  . . .

When does a cyclist cease being a cyclist when he is in transition from an activity on a bike trail and is astride his bicycle and awaiting to resume his transport activity once again? 

"An autopsy by the Cook County Medical Examiner's office found that he died from multiple injuries caused by an automobile striking a cyclist and his death was ruled an accident."  From a Sun-Times article. 

This obviously is a grey-area interpretation situation where CDOT can skew the yearly on-street fatality stats once again. 

May Jesse Rodriguez Rest in Peace !  . . .

1. Carlos D. Ocana-Castillo, 21, at 1800 s. 59th St. 2-28-18.

2. Raul Ortiz-Gomez, 41, at Ogden and Erie, 6-13-18.

3. Luster Jackson, 58, at 7200 s. Stony Island, 7-28-18.

4. Angela Park, 39, at Halsted and Madison, 8-10-18. 

5. Jimmy Lispier, 42, at 4400 w. Division St. 8-23-18.

6. Jesse Rodriguez, 67, at Devon and McCormick, 9-23-18.

Video (2:32) Ghost Bike Installation Ceremony for Raul Ortiz-Gomez, 10-20-18, Chicago. 

Photos from the Ghost Bike Installation Ceremony for Raul Ortiz-Gomez 10-20-18.

thanks . . .


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