2013 Bike Winter Mascot/Sticker Design competition-- Voting is Live!

Edit-- voting now live, thanks to all, and thanks to Andrew for hours of work getting the poll set up and fine-tuned.

=>Lookee Here<=

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Kevin. That is a winner.

Thanks, but I can't take credit for the image. That was Lee Diamond two years ago:

Reply by Lee Diamond on August 17, 2010 at 5:25pm

See, that's just blatantly stealing my idea Kevin. Consult this evidence:

Just trying to figure out what the scale for a Narwahl should be in relation to cute animal. Seems wrong.
Kevin Conway said:
I was able to find a playset which incorporates both Narwahls and the cute animal requirement.

KatieP said:

Kevin. That is a winner.

 I really like this design -but maybe change the text to:

Keep Calm 


Bike Winter

Jennifer said:

Sorry, I don't watch TV and totally missed the reference.

Hey Y'all-

Here's another version on the Narwal Theme, as that would be a most awesome mascot!!

I drew this before seeing the dimensions on the Bike Winter website so I can alter this to a thinner/longer horizontal layout*, but wanted to share at this point for feedback/discussion first.       ( * Or this could be a more short rectangle that the specs indicated)  

Haaaaa.  I like it.  Was the narwhal used in 2k11 tho?  Are repeats allowed?  Discouraged?  

I didn't see any narwals in the historical sticker gallery on Bike Winter's website  (http://bikewinter.org/stickergallery). 2011 was "I want to ride my icicle" with icy dripping wheels so I think we are OK in not repeating a theme or mascot.

And I reworked it to the correct dimensions: now its horizontal and looks like this:

I like that a lot.  I just thought it might have been used because of the pic on the previous page.  

i like t his a lot too.  So far the best submission. 

Jason Greenberg said:



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