Help needed distributing the 2013 Bike Winter stickers at next Friday's mass.

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We can take some at our office for display and distribution! Go, Bike Winter 2013!


Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

If I can get some today I can take to a health fair I'll be at with the Bike Ambassadors at a charter school on the south west side and the North Shore Century Sunday.  

I wonder how I can get them tomorrow. Let me know if its possible. 

If you need help at CCM on the 28th I can be down there anytime after 5:00.   Don't know if I am going to ride, but I can help distribute.

So, Who won???

good question!

Joe Willis said:

So, Who won???

The protocol has been to keep the winner a secret until the unveiling-in this case at the September Critical Mass.

kiltedcelt said:

Yes, what is the winning design?

oooooh protocol! very nice!!! classy touch... can you pls save me some for working bikes?

h' said:

          Can anyone commit to helping distribute at the mass? It's supposed to be a big mass and probably        more than I can cover in 30 minutes or whatever.

You saw my post above, right?  I definitely can be there.

FBC next weekend as well

If I go I can help at CCM.  I'll let you know next week.  Excited to see which one won!

 I can help distribute on the early side if you need it, like 4:30-5.

5:30 I have to amass a group of folks for a video clip we are making for The Chainlink.  ** Could use as many folks to meet at the picasso statue at 5:30 for a quick video (south side of the statue).    I have to leave by about 6:15 for the burbs.

Have we got any pictures of the winner yet?


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