Source: Article by Angie Schmitt

$2 - Sounds good.

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I already pay taxes - is that not my fair share? Of course, I don't pay a gas tax since I don't use any, but that's hardly the sole source of transportation revenue.

Someone up in Wilmette once rolled their window down and yelled at me to get off the roads because I wasn't paying so I threw a quarter into their car and called it good (don't do that, they started chasing me). Paying a fee so small as $2/1k miles would probably have a similar effect - it's too little to satisfy the angry drivers and puts in place a payment structure that would easily allow that fee to grow.

As they say at the end of the linked article:

 In other words, charging a “fair share” wouldn’t be worth the cost of administering the fee.

None, because I already pay my "fair share" as a citizen and car owner.

Ditto, multii-modal taxpayer here (even though my miles cycling will exceed my miles driven this year.)

The emphasis, though, is on "citizen". Or, if one must put a finer point on it, "taxpayer". The "driver" part is secondary.


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