Those of you who have read the Tribune article following up on yesterday's CDOT budget hearing don't have to guess how I feel about this unfortunate quote by our alderman: “if you never put a bike lane in my ward, that’s too soon.”

Sorry, Matt O'Shea, but that is NOT a good answer.  Is it NIMBYism about the prospect of having much-needed bike lanes on Vincennes?  Is it that he wants to continue indefinitely only paying lip service to the idea of accommodating bikes, making small gestures like adding an occasional bike rack or two?  Not good enough.

Pedestrians need a bit of help, too.  We have too many places where drivers ignore stop signs AND pedestrians at intersections with a lot of ped traffic, and where drivers speed on streets such as Longwood, 99th, 95th, 111th, Western, etc., refusing to ease off on the gas for even a few seconds to let pedestrians cross at marked crosswalks.  Getting improved crosswalks in several locations around the ward could encourage more people to walk more than a few blocks if they can do so with less fear getting run over while trying to cross one of these streets.

I've created a Facebook group for 19th ward residents, businesses and organizations to discuss ideas for making the ward safer for biking and walking, prioritizing those ideas, organizing events, etc.  If you live or work in the 19th ward and are interesting in promoting walking and biking for transportation, exercise and/or recreation, please join our group, and tell your friends.

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Sadly, just what I would expect in the 19th ward.  If I was betting that anyone could shape them up, however, I would put my money on Anne Alt!

Lisa - Thanks for the vote of confidence.  This is one aspect of our neighborhood that I do NOT love.  That and the fact that we have a gazillion different pizza places (mostly mediocre to bad) but nowhere in the ward to get decent Asian or Middle Eastern food of any kind.

damn, I had never in my wildest dreams thought that the discourse on the chainlink would stoop so low as to bash chi tung.   I guess it's not actually in the ward (or city) though. 

Really off topic, but a few months ago I went to a wake in Beverly.  Afterward, rather than take our chances eating there, we drove downtown before we stopped.

I'm not bashing Chi Tung at all.  It still has good food, but it's in Evergreen Park, not Chicago.  Sesame Inn has a slight edge and isn't as crowded - also in Evergreen Park.

Paul Fitz, Scrabblor said:

damn, I had never in my wildest dreams thought that the discourse on the chainlink would stoop so low as to bash chi tung.   I guess it's not actually in the ward (or city) though. 

We do have some good places, but the variety of cuisines is limited.  I wasn't implying that the 19th ward has NO good food.  Far from it.   Koda is our best - equal to some of the best downtown and north side places in quality and service.  Calabria is excellent as an inexpensive and good Italian option - bike friendly, too.  I'd gladly give up a few of the pizza places if we could get a Greek or Lebanese place, a Thai or Korean place, etc. That was my only point about restaurants - some of which are great to visit by bike.

Which brings us back on topic - bike and ped safety.  Folks, if you live in the 19th ward, please join us.  If you have friends or family in the 19th ward who are concerned about these issues, please send 'em our way.  Thanks!

Lisa Curcio said:

Really off topic, but a few months ago I went to a wake in Beverly.  Afterward, rather than take our chances eating there, we drove downtown before we stopped.

Great idea Anne. Count me in! Ken

Thanks, Ken.  I hope you'll recruit Ray and a few other folks who care about these issues.

Ken Gray said:

Great idea Anne. Count me in! Ken

I saw the quote in the Trib and shook my head in despair. This is why bike infrastructure can't be left up to the aldermen. Could an alderman decide not to let, say Western Ave or the Red Line run through her ward? He or she would be laughed out of the city council for suggesting such a thing, and yet O'Shea can utter his nonsense about bike lanes and barely anyone bats an eye.

I'm really glad that someone is doing something about it. Thanks Anne! 

I would urge you though to find some way to host the group without using facebook, which is evil. 

Ah, yes, the 50th ward Stone Age.  *sigh*  I really don't want to be living in one in the 19th ward.


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