
This is a Bike Winter tradition. Meet at Daley Plaza, 50 W. Washington,
X-mas Eve at 5:30 pm, leaving at 5:45. Ride to Won Kow, 2237 S. Wentowrth in Chinatown, for old-school Chinese-American food and - you guessed it - tropical drinks.

Afterwards we'll go watch a movie on the Near North Side, maybe "Fantastic Mr. Fox" if it's still playing.

Season's Greetings,

John Greenfield

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Hey John,
Did this go out to the bikewinter list? My provider filters dupes pretty aggressively so I can't tell.
Oh, I forgot about the BW list. I haven't got any messages from it in a long time -
is anyone still using it? If so, feel free to forward it.



H3N3 said:
Hey John,
Did this go out to the bikewinter list? My provider filters dupes pretty aggressively so I can't tell.
Hmmm . . . it's pretty active. Membership is constantly growing. Every time an e-mail blast with the link to the bw site goes out a few subscriptions come in.
Wonder why you're not getting messages?
Anyways, will do, thanks.
You were set to no mail and digest. I changed it to normal delivery. Would love for you to use it-- just remember not to automatically include it in non-winter-cycling related blasts. There are people on it from the various cities we've reached out to that would have less tolerance for that than locals.


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