Yoga for better biking


Yoga for better biking

Time: May 26, 2013 from 3pm to 5:45pm
Location: Moksha Yoga Center
Street: 2525 W. Armitage
City/Town: Chicago, IL
Website or Map:…
Event Type: free, yoga, workshop, for, bikers
Organized By: Ari
Latest Activity: May 27, 2013

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Come get your yoga on as we practice in a way that is designed to improve your posture and comfort during and after riding a bike.

This is a FREE workshop that will include a 45 minute preparation/warm up, a 15 minute bike ride, and a 1.5 hour yoga practice/short discussion at the end.

We will start at Moksha Yoga Center at 2525 W. Armitage Ave and end at 700 N. Carpenter St. 

The workshop will begin with a short warm up sequence that brings attention to some key principles of alignment that will help you bike in a way that feels better. Then we will go on a bike ride to have the opportunity to integrate that information. After the ride we will do a series of stretches that address much of the tightness/overuse that happens while riding.

As part of the workshop we will do a short ride down Milwaukee Ave., so please come if you are comfortable with street riding. If you aren't comfortable with street riding and want to be, write me a message and we can go for a bike ride together on another day =) Make sure to come with your bike!!! If there is a chance of rain bring your raincoat--we'll still be riding!

No yoga experience is necessary, but there will be a lot of information to take in if you aren't familiar with the basic poses. I would be overjoyed if a bike rider is interested who hasn't done yoga before, but just be comfortable with doing it at your own pace and some modifications!

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Comment by Edie D on May 26, 2013 at 10:41am

Would have liked to attend this! Just saw it though. Please do it again Ari!!

Comment by Carlee Weimer 6.0 mi on May 25, 2013 at 6:42am

I'm bummed I can't make this, but I'll make sure I get the day off from work if you do this again. I think it's a great idea!

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