World Naked Bike Ride - Chicago


World Naked Bike Ride - Chicago

Time: June 12, 2010 from 6pm to 11:30pm
Location: TBA
City/Town: Chicago IL
Website or Map:
Event Type: naked, bike, group, mass, eco, green
Organized By: Andrew Bedno
Latest Activity: May 25, 2011

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World Naked Bike Ride (since 2004). Yearly. Gathering and body painting from 6p. Departure at 9p.
Massive bike and skate event celebrating the end of the oil era, and promoting positive body image. Held globally with dozens of cities participating, and Chicago routinely setting U.S. turnout records.
This is a bare-as-you-dare event with outfits ranging from body paint to fanciful costumes to beach-wear. Chicago's past rides rallied many hundreds of cyclists and numerous skaters covering over a dozen miles of high visibility city tourism and recreation areas. The ride's atmosphere is extremely joyful and transcendently fun.
Bicycles constitute the best solution to reducing America's petroleum addiction and improving public health. With gas prices skyrocketing and obesity an epidemic, our messages have become truisms.
Read full details at to participate.
For additional general discussion see the Chain Link group.

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Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 17, 2010 at 10:04am
THANX EVERYONE!!! Please join the WNBR-C GROUP here on ChainLink for best ongoing information:
Comment by Samantha on June 13, 2010 at 6:14am
Was super fun!!!
Comment by Aaron Bussey on June 12, 2010 at 11:42am
Will the rain turn this into the World Shrinkage in Bad Weather Ride? :P
Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 11, 2010 at 4:30am
PARTICIPANTS check-in info

World Naked Bike Ride (since 2004) is a massive bike and skate event celebrating freedom from oil and the beauty of people. Held globally in dozens of cities each year, Chicago is among the largest. This is a bare-as-you-dare event with outfits ranging from body paint to fanciful costumes to undies. Chicago's past rides saw many hundreds of cyclists cover a dozen miles of high visibility city tourism and recreation areas. The ride's atmosphere is extremely joyful and transcendently fun.

Participants can check-in after 6pm Saturday June 12th 2010 near the "O" sign, 1025 W Randolph.
Person powered wheels requirement strictly enforced. SPECTATORS SEE BELOW.
Validated participants will be directed to restricted gathering area, an easy bike ride away. Gathering and body painting after 6pm-SUNSET. Some water/snax/gifts may be available, but expect nothing.
RIDE LEAVES AT 9pm! Rain or shine.
Bottom lines: Bring great attitude and courage, your bike and shoes, money/id/phone/towel, etc.

Required reading:


1. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT visibly use alcohol. Save the drinking for after.
2. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT arrive naked. Carry some clothing options.
3. PARTICIPANTS must show person-powered wheels. No exceptions.
4. SPECTATORS go watch at viewing spots. And don't drive.
Clark/LaSalle around 10pm, Ashland/Fullerton around 11pm
KEEP THE COURSE CLEAR! Wave and cheer and applaud and photograph from the sides and joy will be multiplied.
5. No photos before/after ride except by authorized crew! Assume however by participating that you may be photographed anywhere anytime.
6. Exposed goodies may target you for ticketing. Do so at your own risk, or be minimally covered or painted.
7. For First Amendment protection, maintain the message: "less gas more ass", "burns fat not oil", "nude not lewd", "naked is how vulnerable I am sharing roads with cars"
8. If confronted by police obey commands, comply, do not escalate, do not argue. If told to put something on simply do so immediately. And thank them en-route for their help.
9. This ride is monitored by National Lawyers Guild volunteers who can serve as witnesses in case of trouble. If arrested call the NLG office at 312-913-0039
10. We are "Celebrating freedom from oil and the beauty of people!" Hostile acts are completely uncool towards anyone not directly threatening rider safety. Let security handle problems.

Also note:
* Smartphone users can monitor ride chatter on
* RECOMMENDED AFTER PARTY: National Pastime Theatre, 4139 N. Broadway, 18+, 11pm-4am, ~$10.

In solidarity with BP protests Worldwide, the World Naked Bike Ride Chicago will be shaming local stations this Saturday night.
We'll pass Clark/LaSalle around 10pm, and Ashland/Fullerton/Clybourn around 11pm.
SPECTATORS arrive early without car near those points and PEACEFULLY show the world's furious outrage over oil's constant heinous ecological crimes! The naked truth is bicycles are THE path to a beautiful future.
When the ride passes KEEP THE COURSE CLEAR! Wave and cheer and applaud and photograph from the sides and joy will be multiplied! We may also pass other BPs and recommend going to any to represent the message
in unity.

C U Tomorrow!
Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 10, 2010 at 7:20am

In solidarity with BP protests Worldwide, the World Naked Bike Ride Chicago will be shaming local stations this Saturday night.
We'll pass Clark/LaSalle around 10pm, and Ashland/Fullerton/Clybourn around 11pm.
SPECTATORS arrive early without car near those points and PEACEFULLY show the world's furious outrage over oil's constant heinous ecological crimes! The naked truth is bicycles are THE path to a beautiful future.

When the ride passes KEEP THE COURSE CLEAR! Wave and cheer and applaud and photograph from the sides and joy will be multiplied!
We may also pass other BPs and recommend going to any to represent the message in unity.

Riders, check-in location will be announced soon, stay tuned.
Required reading:

C U Saturday!
Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 8, 2010 at 12:26pm
Amy J's address on website may be obsolete. Contact her at

***** World-class body painter Amy J is available for just a handful of major works. You'll get the photo of a lifetime, but must contact her in advance to book and negotiate fee
Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 8, 2010 at 10:11am
Main thing we discourage is pervy photogs. But self expression is a principal component, and there's a whole body painting tutorial (linked below).
Long story short, yes please.
Comment by Tim Saylor on June 8, 2010 at 9:45am
Any reason I can't bring some body paint and help out on Saturday? I'd normally just do it but the website seems to dislike bottom up efforts.
Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 7, 2010 at 8:30pm
Cross posted from mailing list - For details join at

Info, rules, and critical answers like can I take photos (NO!), where to park (at home), renting bikes, etc:

Supplies and staff and time are limited. Only a lucky first few hundred can be served, may be refused for any reason, and strictly stops at sunset. Notes and samples:
***** World-class body painter Amy J is available for just a handful of major works. You'll get the photo of a lifetime, but must contact her in advance to book and negotiate fee:

In solidarity, Chicago's naked ride will focus on shaming BP for ecocide:
Costumes involving oil murdered sea and bird life are encouraged, or black ribbons.
Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 7, 2010 at 4:21am
Shay, do peruse for useful info.
And dig into the photos from past years at
which are pretty spectacular. Bottom line, you must assume that you may be photographed in ride. But at least the pre-gather is pretty controlled, and you've got to choose to be.

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