Kidical Mass Ride-Palmer Square


Kidical Mass Ride-Palmer Square

Time: June 12, 2010 from 10:30am to 12pm
Location: The Bunny Playground inside Palmer Square
Street: 3100 Palmer Boulevard (near Kedzie & Scaramento)
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map:…
Phone: 312.405.6522
Event Type: bike, ride, parade, social, outing, safety, training
Organized By: Jason Greenberg
Latest Activity: Jun 12, 2010

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Masked Crusaders patrolled the streets in the April Kidical Mass-Palmer Square Ride! Join us again June 12!

Social Meet-up time 10:30 am
Ride starts at 11:00 am

We will loop the Square for the littlest kids and then head off into the streets in a different route every month.
Please RSVP to the ride so we know how many are attending. If you join this KIdical Mass chainlink group, we will be able to send you reminder announcements about upcoming rides too...)

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Comment by Elizabeth on June 12, 2010 at 7:45pm
Thanks everyone! We had a great time, despite the rain. Here are some photos from today:

It was hard to get Edden off of his bike (or on an adult bike) in order to get home! He just wanted to keep going and going and going.
Comment by Ash L. on June 12, 2010 at 10:08am
Sorry that we split. We were all soaked and my girl is not the most cooperative when wet.
Comment by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) on June 12, 2010 at 9:51am
What an awesome ride! I was super impressed with the attendance and ride despite the rain. Can't wait for the next one!
Comment by Jason Greenberg on June 10, 2010 at 4:57pm
I agree that that curve coming out from under the highway is the most concerning spot of the whole ride from a safety perspective. But the proposal is that we'd stop the mass south of the main blvd. artery and wait until corkers have brought traffic to a stop from both directions before proceeding into the street, then we wouldn't have to worry about a speeding car coming around that turn. Two corkers on the East side (highway side) would be essential and we'd need to designate who will take that responsibility ahead of time.

If we crossed at Rockwell, then we'd miss that whole little leg that jogs south and comes up to Campbell, and I'm concerned that the route is already a little on the short side. So if we can cork safely at Campbell & the Blvd. I'd lean to that option first...but what do others think?
Comment by Ash L. on June 10, 2010 at 4:19pm
ps- i like the wrightwood add-on too if the kids can hang in there. there's been a lot of work done to the altgeld-sawyer community garden in the last few weeks so it would be a nice ride by.
Comment by Ash L. on June 10, 2010 at 4:17pm
Jason, I have some apprehension about crossing Logan at the highway. It's pretty dark for cars coming west from western under the overpass and there is also a sharp right for oncoming traffic. If at all possible I'd prefer to cross at the light at Rockwell so westbound traffic has a fair line of sight for cyclists.
Comment by Jason Greenberg on June 10, 2010 at 4:03pm
Heres the route I propose for June 12. A map of it is posted below.

We take advantage of the brand new lovely & smooth asphalt where they have repaved Logan Square Boulevard (now on both N & S sides of the blvd.)

1. Loop the runner path in Palmer Square
2. R onto Kedzie North to the monument
(stop before corking and ask if any of the youngest kids want to return to Bunny playground via Kedzie South.)
3. cork traffic entering the monument circle
4. R onto Logan Blvd. East
5. R onto Fairfield South
6. L onto Altgeld East
7. L onto Washtenaw North
8. R onto Logan Blvd. East
9. R onto Maplewood South
10. L onto Altgeld East
11. L onto Campbell North
12. cork the traffic coming out from under the highway
13. cross Logan Blvd. and up onto sidewalk for 1/4 block
14. L onto Logan Blvd. West
15. Ride back to the monument
16. Cork the traffic circle- and ride around monument
17. R onto Kedzie South
18. Cork the Kedzie Blvd traffic & cross Kedzie
19. Return to the bunny playground & Mikos Ice!
(ask if older kids want to do extra Palmer/Belden Loop. )
20. Orange Loop is possible add on for older kids who want more ride time.
Comment by Rico on June 10, 2010 at 3:59pm
Jason, around what time are you going for a pre ride?
Comment by Jason Greenberg on June 10, 2010 at 3:56pm

Comment by Elizabeth on June 10, 2010 at 5:00am
Sorry I missed that. Excellent news!

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