Time: September 18, 2011 from 1pm to 5pm
Location: Garfield Park
Street: 100 N. Central Park
City/Town: Chicago, IL
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q…
Phone: 773-255-6347
Event Type: architectural, social, tour
Organized By: Lee Diamond
Latest Activity: Sep 17, 2011
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Tour of East and West Garfield Park This Sunday
This Sunday at 1:00 PM, Chicago Neighborhood Bike Tours takes another look at the communities of East and West Garfield Park. We meet at the golden-domed Garfield Park fieldhouse, at 100 N Central Park, NOT the conservatory. The tour is about 17 miles and takes in the park and surrounding neighborhoods. There are generous feasts for your architectural hunger pangs including seminal works by Michaelsen and Rognstad, Jens Jensen, William Le Baron Jenney, Dwight Perkins, William Carbys Zimmerman, Hugh M. G. Garden, Joseph Lyman Silsbee, Alfred Alschuler, Pond and Pond, George Maher, Soloman Beman and Frank Lloyd Wright amongst others. Many Chicagoans knowledge of the community begins and ends with the Conservatory and the Park, but the area is rich in both history and architecture and we will take it all in on two wheels on an early fall Sunday afternoon. We hope you will join us for a bicycling history less of East and West Garfield Park
Chainlink Page - Starting Spot - Route - Photo Album - Ross Felten 2010 Poster
Register for the Tour for $9 here.
Buy East and West Garfield Park 2010 Poster for $5 here.
Register for Tour and buy 2010 Poster for $12.
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