Time: July 25, 2015 from 11am to 3pm
Location: Noyes Cultural Arts Center
Street: 927 Noyes Street
City/Town: Evanston
Website or Map: http://www.chicagovelo.com/ev…
Phone: 773-255-6347
Event Type: social, architecture, history
Organized By: Lee Diamond
Latest Activity: Jul 22, 2015
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12 miles north of Chicago’s Loop sits our northern neighbor, Evanston, IL. Like much of the north side of Chicago, the area was once the land of the Pottawatomie Nation and before them, other indigenous people that used the area mainly as a portage and to traverse to steadier, harder, dryer ground than the marshy wetlands, swamp forests and savannahs that occupied this section of the Great Lakes region. The first reference to the area now known as Evanston in more modern history is as the area of Gross Pointe, referring to a point jutting out into Lake Michigan and the area around it. Evanston is home to Northwestern University, which ranks with the best universities in the nation. Today, Evanston is a thriving city with a population of over 75,000. It maintains a wide variety of build styles and architecture and an enduring and beautiful built landscape. From the mansions to the University, and from places of worship to places of business, Evanston is a city with a marvelous architectural history, and a great place to ride around. Come join us for a chance to learn about the southernmost entry in the North Shore communities, Evanston, IL.
WooHoo! I can attend that date and I am looking forward to it. I am doing all things I can think of to make sure this time is the charm.
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