
Stabby Cat

Time: November 5, 2016 from 3pm to 6pm
Location: Starts in humboldt park!
Street: Kedzie and Potomac
City/Town: Chicago
Event Type: alleycat
Organized By: Coco
Latest Activity: Nov 1, 2016

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Halloween is over, and Elections are fast approaching! But the blood will keep flowing, and the voter hacking looming! SSCCAARRRYYY!!! So what better way than to fill the sadness gap than a pretty sweet Alleycat? Or what we'd like to call the STABBYCAT, as presented by THE STABETTES!! This is a race for the people so all riders regardless of age, sex, identity are welcome!!

START: The Hill @ Humboldt (next to the Cubby baseball field)
$5 per rider
Costumes both Halloween and Election encouraged
5 Checkpoints- get ready to be bloody, dirty, and exhausted
Extra point challenges
Helmets Required. Ride at your own risk!

Awards and praise presented at the after party!
Overall Female/Male, 2ND/3RD/DFL
9PM Address released day of party!


Forward Courier. Taco Cat. Johnny Sprocket. Heritage. Cut Cats Courier. Handle Bar. Inner Town Pub. BlackCAT1. Abus. Vessel Bags. Chicago Bagel Authority. Cafe Mustache. Comrade. Cycle Smithy. BFF. Lagunitas. THOD. West Town Bikes. Bags of Holding. Bike Lane.

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