North Side Critical Mass


North Side Critical Mass

Time: July 11, 2014 from 6pm to 11pm
Location: Young Lincoln statue in Senn Playlot Park
Street: 5949 N. Clark
City/Town: Chicago, IL
Website or Map:
Phone: 773-33-MASS-8
Event Type: critical, mass, free, fun, parade, north, side, northside
Latest Activity: Jul 11, 2014

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2nd Fridays, leaves around 7pm. THE monthly north side gathering of cyclists. Winds a dozen miles-ish, ending with food+drink. Well-attended. Bring friends, tunes, bells, costumes, cameras. Meet under Young Lincoln Statue at Ridge and Thorndale.  Not just for Northsiders, see it as a second big monthly mass, sometimes topping 100 riders.

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Comment by Andrea K on July 11, 2014 at 11:12am

It seems like it may be a rainout tonight?

Comment by Andrew Bedno on July 3, 2014 at 4:32am

I'm moving July's Wicker Park mass to 2nd Friday, overlapping this. Northsiders welcome. Xposting from

Special 2nd Friday edition of the (typically 3rd Fridays) Wicker Park Happy Happy Fun Ride (because I'll be at PitchFork on the 18th).

Beach is an idea.  It's also free Slurpees day (until 7pm), TourDeFat eve, and full moon-ish.

As usual, gather by the fountain in the middle of Wicker Park for some beerz amongst vagabonds, then ride somewhere.

Comment by Vic Sholis on June 16, 2014 at 3:15pm

Thanks for your response.

Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 16, 2014 at 2:30pm

I've oft heard, whoever comes IS the mass.  Read a great review long ago, by the one person who came for an Evanston mass, who described the group as very cohesive ;)

But yes, I posted last November to the northside mass group that I, the prim....

Northside had an incredible run (see the archive).  There's clearly demand, but someones elses gots to be the ones who go every month.  I used to live less than a mile, so I did 10 out of 12 for years.  Make it yours!

Wicker Park Critical Mass 3rd Fridays Happy Happy Fun Ride in contrast is blooming (well, we've hit a dozen a few times).   Come out on the 20th, we're going to a movie in a park.

Comment by Vic Sholis on June 15, 2014 at 1:17pm

For the June ride (6/13/14), with beautiful weather, a friend and I showed up about 6:50 PM, and found no one else there.  We waited until about 7:10, and when no one else arrived, we took off on our own ride.  ??  Can anyone update me on the NSCM?  Is it still active, or has it fizzled out like other neighborhood Masses?  

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