Midnight Marauders


Midnight Marauders

Time: May 15, 2010 from 11:45pm to 11:45pm
Location: Billy Goat Tavern Original
Street: 430 N. Michigan Ave- LOWER LEVEL!
City/Town: Chicagos
Website or Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?c…
Event Type: mayhem, in, the, streets, awesomesauce
Organized By: the valhalla collective
Latest Activity: May 15, 2010

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Join us for our monthly midnight ride! Our ride leader has chosen the title "violators subject to arrest."

Please immediately disregard his most obviously ironical tongue-in-cheek choice. We've NEVEREVEREVER done anything illegal. And we've NEVEREVEREVER had riders arrested. Seriously, people- we literally ride with a lawyer!

Anyhows. When asked about the theme, our ride leader responded "for some strange reason [I'm] hosting this ride which means someone just might get arrested." Obviously, he's being facetious.

But why ever would he posit such an odd, impossible occurence? Is he suffering from nervous congestion? Nearing the point where his sanity cracks under the pressures of leadership? Most importantly, when will he finally relax and have a darn beer?

True Maraudersz will join our quest and learn the answer to these and other pressing questions. No matter what the ride brings, we assure you that the dramatic tension will rival Shakespeare's greatest efforts.

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Comment by Ryan on May 15, 2010 at 1:42pm
PRB - Peoples Republic of Booze?
Comment by Marty A. on May 15, 2010 at 12:38pm
I am NOT the Zima guy's bitch!

I did figure it would be a nice hangover cure to the PRB and scotch night I had last night . . .
Comment by Aaron Bussey on May 15, 2010 at 12:08pm
Marty, if you drink wine and think you have a drinking problem, you don't. You're gay......

Comment by Ryan L on May 15, 2010 at 10:16am

Comment by Reddog (Cliff) on May 15, 2010 at 10:14am
I hope everyone has fun on the MM ride. I hear that it will be one to remember! Unfortunately I will not be able to go on tonight's ride. I need to be on the Desplaines river at 8:00 am on Sunday morning up in Libertyville. I am participating in the Desplaines river marathon.

It is sort of like critical mass for canoes.
Comment by Marty A. on May 15, 2010 at 7:50am
I need a nap after this bottle of chardonay so I can make it out!!!
Comment by John on May 15, 2010 at 6:55am
Doesn't it always?
Comment by Aaron Bussey on May 15, 2010 at 5:26am
this is going to get ugly
Comment by shar on May 15, 2010 at 4:22am
if i can sneek out after all my guest fall asleep
Comment by Shay on May 14, 2010 at 5:28am
'Tis true. They aren't the most lively of crowds in Wilmette, but they come to ogle the ladies:


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