Time: May 24, 2014 from 11:30pm to 11:45pm
Location: the goat
Street: 430 N. Michigan Av. (lower level)
City/Town: Bumblefuck
Phone: 976-love
Event Type: ifyoudontknow
Organized By: Heather Stranton (the phantom shitter)
Latest Activity: May 24, 2014
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I am sick of public safety announcements, so here is what you get- there will be some off-road sections. On this ride however we do hope to welcome any trans, gay, or bi former Jehovahs Whiteness'. We hope to recruit you people to encourage your former stright comrades to embrace bestiality. And drunken Hooliganism.
I'm just not cool enough for this ride's total awesomeness, ever. I wish I was?
Marauding the night before Bike the Drive? Sounds like a recipe for some hijinx!
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