Marauders Late Ride Audit


Marauders Late Ride Audit

Time: June 29, 2013 from 11:30pm to 11:45pm
Location: Dark Bar
Street: N.E. corner of Jackson and Halsted
City/Town: Just this side of legal. Wait, no.
Event Type: audit
Organized By: Smokey Bear, a friend of the park.
Latest Activity: Jun 29, 2013

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Oh yes boys and girls, it is once again time for Marauders to man-up and take the teaching reins. Soon the late night streets of our fair city will be filled with idiots aiming to experience the "only after midnight bike ride in Chicago". Every year there are complaints about the drinking and debauchery by participants, but what would one expect but complaints? The participants don't know how to do it. These people have no experience, no goal, no level to aspire too. It is time for us to lead the way, set an example, raise the bar tab! We will set out from our starting point after the first wave or two of riders, or when we are adequately fueled. Usually a bit after midnight.

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Comment by gadgetguy on June 28, 2013 at 6:49am

and then we get to bike on the entrails.

does this organization give money to Rails to Entrails?

Comment by Jerry on June 28, 2013 at 1:19am
Vikings, eh?  It's been a long time, so I hope you've forgiven the Irish for this, and will let bygones be bygones.  <3
"Then they threw a ring round Brodir and his men, and threw branches of trees upon them, and so Brodir was taken alive.  Wolf the Quarrelsome cut open his belly, and led him round and round the trunk of a tree, and so wound all his entrails out of him, and he did not die before they were all drawn out of him. Brodir's men were slain to a man."
Comment by Andrew Bedno on June 27, 2013 at 9:09pm

Seems to be about the same spot as last year, which I have as Greektown Gyros, 239 S. Halsted.

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