Time: September 13, 2014 from 7am to 5pm
Location: Liberty Bible Church
Street: 824 North Calumet Avenue
City/Town: Chesterton
Website or Map: http://www.lorieslakesidecent…
Phone: 219-531-8049
Event Type: sport, cycling, bicycle tour, bike ride
Organized By: Monica Hamline
Latest Activity: Sep 12, 2014
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Lorie's Lakeside Century is for the experienced rider, novices, families and even corporate groups - with the option of riding a 25, 38, 63, 80 or 100 mile route through farmland and prairie, the Indiana Dunes and along Lake Michigan. The 63, 80 and 100 mile routes take you along Lake Michigan into New Buffalo, MI, where a delightful rest stop awaits your arrival. Additional rest stops on the routes include a stop along Lake Michigan, at the Art Barn and Garwood Orchard.
Experience the beauty of our casual coast country. Ride through Victorian-era towns and farmland on scenic back roads, and enjoy incredible views along Lake Michigan.
Since we started in 1980, our ride has become known for great routes, friendly volunteers and tasty food. You'll have marked routes, maps, support vehicles, great snacks at the sag stops and a lunch on your return to headquarters. A shower and/or massage is also available.
Cycling Jerseys, T-shirts and a pancake breakfast is also available.
Visit www.lorieslakesidecentury.org for more information or register online at www.signmeup.com/96509
It's going to be cool tomorrow. Bundle up!
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