Spring Forward with Gout Ride!


Spring Forward with Gout Ride!

Time: March 31, 2010 from 11am to 9pm
Location: Sky Ride Tap
Street: 105 West Van Buren
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: http://tinyurl.com/yk76mxj
Phone: 312.307.9481
Event Type: philanthropic, bikewinter
Organized By: Aaron Bussey
Latest Activity: Apr 1, 2010

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Spring Forward with Gout Ride!

Come one come all to the First C.I.G.A.R. ride!!


We will start at the Sky Ride Tap - 105 West Van Buren Street at 11am on Wed March 31st. This is a hardcore drunk ride so if you work downtown take the afternoon off....

We will leave the Sky Ride around noon and head to Jimmy's Woodlawn Tap - 1172 E 55th St.

After the Woodlawn we will head back north to Simone's - 960 W 18th St.

After Simones we will travel through UIC campus on a zig zag path to The Corner for cheap beers - 2224 N. Leavitt St

After we are all Blatzed out we will head north again to the Leadway Bar - 5233 N Damen Avenue

This will be an all day bender so bring your wallet and ibuprofen. I se us being at each bar for at least an hour to 2 hours and ending at the Leadway around 8 or 9.

I will be making some spoke cards for those brave enough to make it out for this ride.

If you can't make the initial start send me a text and I'll give you a heads up as to where we are.


I hope to battle gout with you all in the near future.

Spring Forward with Gout Ride!

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Comment by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) on March 23, 2010 at 4:33pm
Totally got the dates mixed up. I'm back to a definite maybe :))
Comment by John on March 21, 2010 at 4:01am
I have been hearing a lot of smack talk lately about people not making it past bar #3. We need to up the attendance in the event anyone forgets where they are or bails out along the way . . .
Comment by Aaron Bussey on March 20, 2010 at 12:09pm
I am very talented...
Comment by Laura on March 20, 2010 at 11:35am
Aaron, can you even make it that long with drinking and riding?
Ill be done with work at 5 in evanston so ill just ride the route backwards until i run into you guys
Comment by Tank-Ridin' Ryan on March 20, 2010 at 5:47am
I could understand deep-fried Coke (not really), but deep-fried Pepsi? That's just wrong on so many levels, starting with Pepsi.
Comment by John on March 20, 2010 at 3:57am
I will bring horseradish
Comment by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) on March 19, 2010 at 4:44pm
Comment by shar on March 19, 2010 at 4:41pm
perhaps i roll down to the corner bar to see if anyone needs coffee by that time to sober up and tell me how interesting the day has been
Comment by globalguy on March 19, 2010 at 10:20am
Perfect pres-ride reading from Toronto's The Star, A taste of junk food's ground zero where Stephen Marche begins, "If my mother is reading this, please put the paper down now. I've done something shameful. I ate deep-fried Pepsi."
Comment by Shay on March 19, 2010 at 3:12am
I can't take the day off, but I may text you guys and take my lunch to meet you at Jimmy's for a bit. That's the only decent bar in Hyde Park and when I lived there I used to spend many a happy few hours there.

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