Free Webinar: Writing Women Back into Bicycling


Free Webinar: Writing Women Back into Bicycling

Time: March 31, 2010 from 3pm to 4pm
Location: webinar
Website or Map:…
Phone: or 262-375-6180
Event Type: webinar, free, bikewinter
Organized By: Association of Pedestrians and Bicycle Professionals
Latest Activity: Mar 31, 2010

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Writing Women Back Into Bicycling: Changing Transportation Culture to Encourage More Women to Cycle More Places More Often

• Connect with others interested in healthy, livable, bicycle-friendly communities
• Learn about barriers, successes, international examples, what you can do
• Respond to the online survey through 5/15/10 (Women and girls only, please: take the survey at Survey is open until May 15; interim results reported at the webinar)

• Can't participate live? At your leisure, view the free archived webinar later (link posted after the webinar at

Agenda and Speakers
Cycling Culture: Laura Sandt, Associate Director, Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center (Laura lived and biked in Leischendam, Netherlands while on a research exchange program with SWOV, the Institute for Roadway Safety)
Women's Cycling History, Resources & Preliminary APBP Survey Results: Fionnuala Quinn, civil engineer, JEiT girls engineering program (Fionnuala instigated APBP's Women Cycling project and grew up bicycling in Ireland)
Cycling Fashion: Caz Nicklin, Managing Director of Cyclechic Ltd in London (using her diploma in Environmental decision-making, Caz created a company to promote and endorse sustainable living)
Cycling Successes: Case studies and snapshots
Recommendations and Next Steps: Kit Keller, APBP Executive Director, participant on the FHWA/AASHTO/NCHRP International Scan on Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Mobility
Conclusion: Announcement of APBP Women & Girls Cycling Photo and Video Contest

This webinar includes international perspectives, preliminary results of the Women Cycling survey and key recommendations from the U.S. Dept. of Transportation (FHWA, AASHTO, NCHRP) International Scan on Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety and Mobility. APBP is hosting this webinar as part of the International Scan implementation process. Scan participants saw so many more women cycling in the five countries we visited than one typically sees in most U.S. cities. Why? Why not here? The recommendations of the International Scan could help to increase the number of women and girls cycling in the U.S. and Canada. If more women and girls bicycled more places more often, they could achieve better health while having a very positive impact on their community and the environment. The solutions cross many disciplines and address many factors related to economic viability here and abroad.

As part of this project, women and girls are invited to take a "snapshot in time survey” at We would like to hear from non-cyclists as well as current and past cyclists. Preliminary survey results highlighted during the webinar; final results available after May 15, 2010 when the survey closes.

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