Ladies' Dirt Ride


Ladies' Dirt Ride

Time: April 3, 2010 from 9:30am to 12:30pm
Location: Waterfall Glen
City/Town: Darien
Website or Map:…
Event Type: social, ride, women, bikewinter
Organized By: Jennifer Mosley and Julia Daher
Latest Activity: Apr 2, 2010

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Mountain biking can seem like an intimidating sport to get started in, but once you start, it is easy to get hooked. To help reach out to women interested in the sport, as well as women who are looking to ride more seriously, the women of Half Acre Cycling have joined forces with Julia Daher from XXX Racing-AthletiCo to organize a series of dates where Chicago-area ladies can ride together in a supportive environment to practice skills and have fun on the trail. Everyone from total beginners to experts are welcome.

The first of these dates is going to be Saturday April 3rd, at 9:30am. We are going to ride at Waterfall Glen, since most of the area singletrack will still be muddy/unridable that early in the season. The riding at Waterfall Glen is on wide-ish multi-use trails, with some nice twists and turns but nothing technical. It is perfect for folks who just want to get more comfortable on the dirt, without a lot of roots & rocks getting in their way.

This is an entirely informal event, just a chance to get to know other Chicago-based lady trail riders, build some community and have some fun. If it is nice, bring a lunch and we’ll picnic afterwards. Let us know if you plan on coming…we’d love to ride with you!

For more information email Jennifer Mosley (mosleyjen at gmail dot com), or Julia Daher (julia.daher at gmail dot com)

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Comment by Julie P. on March 16, 2010 at 3:31am
Don't worry, Amber... we're hoping this will just be the first of many!
Comment by Amber K on March 16, 2010 at 2:27am
Sorry, but I won't be able to make it this time. Something unexpected has come up.

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