October 2, 2015 to October 4, 2015 – Tinley Park Convention Center The nation's largest show for recumbents, recumbent tricycles, quadracycles, folding cycles, tandems, velomobiles, transporters, electrical bikes, special needs bikes, collectibles, cargo bikes, trai… Organized by Julie Keating | Type: bike, show
October 3, 2015 from 8:45am to 1pm – Ridge Park Mechanical problems with the mountain bike - will be driving to Whistler Woods :( Organized by Anne Alt | Type: ride, social, habitat restoration
October 3, 2015 from 10am to 1pm – Maple Lake East Forest Preserve Come ride with us at the annual Take a Kid Mountain Biking day hosted by CAMBR! Kids of all ages - whether on a push bike or already carving the trails - can come and learn more about riding bikes on… Organized by Jennifer MacKenzie | Type: mountain, biking
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