Time: September 22, 2011 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Location: Wheaton Leisure Center
Street: 208 W. Union Ave.
City/Town: Wheaton, IL
Phone: 312-427-3325
Event Type: social
Organized By: Active Transportation Alliance
Latest Activity: Sep 9, 2011
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Do you have a love for biking, walking and hopping on Metra trains? Do you want to see our communities make big strides in environmental sustainability? You’re not alone. At Active Transportation Alliance, we celebrate your enthusiasm for all things active, healthy and sustainable.
That’s why we request your presence at the Active Transportation Alliance Social in Wheaton on Thursday, September 22. Join us from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Wheaton Leisure Center. Get to know local Active Trans members, town officials, environmentalists and other active transportation devotees.
Meet Dan Thomas, DuPage County’s new Trails Coordinator, who will share county initiatives for better biking and walking. Hear about Wheaton’s new bicycle plan designed to make local streets safer for all users.
Bring your friends and come to the Wheaton Leisure Center on September 22 for great conversation, as well as light refreshments, snacks, and prizes.
Active Transportation Alliance Social
Thursday, September 22, 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Wheaton Leisure Center, 208 W. Union Ave., Wheaton, IL (Located in Memorial Park)
RSVP to ruth@activetrans.org by Friday, September 16.
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