Hey,Cyclists are on the radar of the Cook County Forest Preserve teams for not following physical distancing on the trails. They have had observers out this week and are saying that everyone is…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by David Barish Apr 6, 2020.
North Lake Shore Drive Project final meeting re. Montrose-Wilson-Lawrence at Truman College on Sept. 26, 2019, at 6 PM.The most recent NLSD Project meeting in August showed very worrisome things on…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Eric Pounder Oct 2, 2019.
Seems like I haven't heard a single person say this as they pass me this summer but I always say it. It helps all our safety right? Can we collectively start doing this again?Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Mike Zumwalt Aug 6, 2017.
Thinking of going on a ride on it tomorrow (Saturday) but have heard bad thinks about it through the grapevine and and I have never been on it.Are trail conditions bad this year? Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by S Jun 19, 2016.
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