Leah's Comments

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At 3:41pm on July 15, 2010, alvin mitchell said…
You have some very nice bikes Leah.
At 2:01pm on July 15, 2010, Stuart Joshua Holt said…
How have you been. Which of the above is your current ride?
At 8:27am on June 28, 2010, Bob said…
Leah - I like your mantra. Every time I see a kid w/o a helmet I say "Where's your helmet?" Boy, it's saved me a few times!
At 7:33am on April 1, 2010, Michael A said…
It was a nice time, here is the garmin report for it http://connect.garmin.com/activity/28544062

There were about 15 people
At 11:27am on March 29, 2010, Michael A said…
75 degrees expected for the get a grip ride

looking forward to seeing you there
At 4:29pm on March 23, 2010, Michael A said…
short group ride based out of and leaving from Get a Grip bikes on irving park at Kostner..30 miles, no drop ..... I am going to keep bugging you until I see you ride that seven

At 4:27pm on March 13, 2010, Michael A said…
training ride leaving at 8am from granville and kenmore, 65 miles, slower paced, 16-18 mph. You asked me to let you know about these rides, I hope you dust off the road bike and come join us
At 4:07am on March 4, 2010, dan brown said…
i like the re-posting of the rules Leah.
we all need to be reminded of the (not so) obvious from time to time
At 12:36pm on March 1, 2010, Vilda said…
Instead of replying you would take down the thread? Even more fun.
At 3:48am on February 22, 2010, KatieP said…
It was great to meet 'the godmother' of chainlink yesterday! I'll let you know once I get my new bike as I'd love to commute together.
At 3:59pm on February 15, 2010, Michelle Polk said…
I know, aren't you proud!
At 3:03pm on February 1, 2010, Matthew Wong said…
Hi Leah,
I'm a student at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern doing a final project analyzing "the chainlink." The assignment asks us to write "a report about a community of individuals who use an online forum for interaction and discussion." Would it be possible to get in contact with you via email or phone to talk with you about the site? My email is matthewwong2013@u.northwestern.edu. Look forward to hearing from you! Matt
At 6:50am on January 15, 2010, pjc jr said…
Hi Leah, PJ here and wanted to notify you that I listed tomorrow nights Marauder ride due to Martin not able to get online. Could you allow the posting to go up as quickly as possible since it is only the day before! Thanks so much and would love to see you out on an MM ride sometime.
At 5:08am on December 15, 2009, Clyde Alpert said…

As a rep of Windy City Cycling Club and a bit of geek (I'm a computer consultant by trade), I'm impressed with Chainlink. You've done a great job with ning and I look forward to connecting with like-minded folks here.

Thanks for your undoubtedly-endless-and-tireless hours of work!

At 10:01am on November 18, 2009, dan brown said…
got the wheel...thanks !

see you at Archies....

At 6:23am on October 25, 2009, Juan 2-3 or more mi. said…
Thank you very very much for creating the chain link.
At 7:51pm on September 21, 2009, Alan Matejka said…
I figured it out. (duh) HA HA.
At 2:40pm on September 21, 2009, Alan Matejka said…
Hey Leah. Hello. I forgot my password. (duh) How do I fix my password problem on the chainlink?
At 8:01am on September 1, 2009, Lisa C said…
hi - heard you were looking for me on sunday. Sorry did not get back to you about Nashville. School just started back up so really busy. I will be moving to Nashville in about a year so we got some time to work it out. Next time I go down for visit I will try to get some info from you. Thanks
At 7:53am on July 28, 2009, Alan Ortiz said…
Hi Leah. Am sending this to Julie too. Using the graphic on page 2 to show membership growth. The rest of the file is just an idea I'm tossing out there for PR purposes.CHAINLINK.ppt

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