T.C. O'Rourke's Comments

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At 11:50am on April 28, 2012, Steve Buchtel said…
Hello, friend!
At 3:32pm on January 15, 2011, Jason Mui said…
Thanks for organizing the ride. Was great fun!
At 5:01pm on December 11, 2010, Randy Neufeld said…

It's been hip as long as you've been involved.  I've been checking out  the cycling scene in Budapest and Zapreb this week.


At 4:28am on June 8, 2010, Michelle Green said…
I'm so glad somebody appreciates these things! Also, I can't understand why Blockbuster would have let me rent this movie even once:
At 2:25am on May 28, 2010, KatieP said…
Haha - we made it back, most likely due to the Metra...
At 9:28pm on May 25, 2010, Shawn C. said…
Almost stayed, but then I thought about the bills that had to be paid. Had a great time - hope see you on future rides or at the bars (whichever comes first).
At 4:32am on May 25, 2010, igz said…
Interested in being the Route Master for the Starved Rock Ride?
At 7:02pm on January 20, 2010, Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said…
At 12:01am on January 2, 2010, Ron said…
Hi, TC, i'm mostly in and out during winter months. Sorry I can be hard to catch. Feel free to call or txt. me,when you're going to be in the vicinity.
Thanks, Ron
At 6:09am on August 9, 2009, Carolyn Hoerdemann said…
I hope you had enough pierogis for me too...
At 5:24pm on July 26, 2009, Carolyn Hoerdemann said…
so sad I had to miss
I am glad you found everyone. I hope you had some extra starch for me
At 5:57am on July 26, 2009, Erin said…
Hey T.C. -

Turns out Peirogi Fest isn't the only place leaving the UP off the map. From NPR's All Things Considered:

All Things Considered, July 15, 2009 · Michigan State Rep. Michael Lahti is sponsoring legislation to mandate that the entire state be shown on official state publications. The move follows a tourism commercial produced by the state that omitted the Upper Peninsula, which makes up one-third of the state. Lahti discusses his legislation.

At 10:59am on July 10, 2009, jessiejane said…
Fiery Furnaces were sold out! I delivered your magazines safely though, I promise!
At 11:40am on May 15, 2009, Matt Roben said…
Mine was brand new and built custom to my size- after shipping and everything it was a little under $2000- that was 12 years ago. You could definitely find a used one and it should be less than $1000. Luckily they are fairly hardy bikes and I have only had to replace tires and spokes, all of which I can find at any LBS
At 9:39am on May 15, 2009, Matt Roben said…
I got mine from Europe about 12 years ago, you can find them used occasionally, there isnt a whole lot available on this side of the ocean however so you would likely need to also look over in Germany or Switzerland... If you truly want one I could get you in contact with the person I know who would be your best bet...
At 3:52pm on May 11, 2009, Falon said…
T.C. Have I ever told you that you are my hero?
At 5:28am on March 31, 2009, nervousjay said…
Hey, TC!! Thanks for the link this past weekend! We made it to 3 floyds on Saturday, with five minutes to spare before the rain hit hard:D..all in the name of good beer, eh??:).. Thanks again! Talk to you soon.
At 8:54am on March 27, 2009, JJ said…
Hey there!! How are ya? Hope all is well, and hope that you can help me out with something. Some of the cycling sisters might be planning a ride out to 3 floyds in april. Can you suggest a good route to take out there?
At 12:16am on March 5, 2009, CITGO Cycling said…
More like gatorade. The company supports our team. The team is dedicated to the cause. Its all good.
At 5:28am on March 2, 2009, Active Transportation Alliance said…
You didn't get your map? Very sorry, sir.

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