One Day 100 Bikes – Featuring Filmed by Bike

Most of us ride hundreds or thousands of miles each year.  Commuting, road riding, cycle-cross, crit-racing, BMX, off-road… you name it, we ride it. It’s easy to take cycling for granted, as well as the many transportation choices we all enjoy.  Imagine an environment with no options other than to walk. We can help change that – with bicycles.

We’d like to invite you to come join the Chicago cycling community, along with family and friends, to help provide bicycles to students and healthcare workers in rural Africa, where distance is a barrier.

Friday, September 14 & Saturday, September 15

One Day 100 Bikes is a collection of fundraising events, featuring Filmed by Bike film festival. Our goal this year is to raise enough for hundreds of bicycles. Here’s a quick overview:



Filmed by Bike at The Athenaeum Theater (film showing at 6:45pm / pre-party at 5:45pm). Filmed by Bike is a touring film festival that features the world’s best bike movies. This special showing is a fundraiser for World Bicycle Relief.

Filmed by Bike Festival Party at Heritage Bicycles (8:30pm)

$45 ticket donation to WBR includes:
 Bike valet, pre-party with free beer, wine, snacks, raffle ticket, admission to Film Festival AND Festival Party - open bar, food trucks, music, an amazing silent auction, raffle prizes, (several sponsor tables, tents, and booths), giveaways, and more.  Film by Bike Tickets


Filmed by Bike is a touring film festival that features the world’s best bike movies that come from independent filmmakers worldwide. This collection of “bike shorts” are the best of the best, from the 2018 film fest held in Portland, Oregon, now in its 16th year.  

“The Chicago cycling community deserves to experience Filmed by Bike” – Ayleen Crotty, Founder


Morning Group Rides – 8:00am start time. Choose from several group rides hosted by Johnny Sprockets, Heritage Bicycles, and Adventure Cycling Tours in Chicago, followed by a post-ride block party in Lakeview. Register for a Group Ride

Outdoor Spin Challenge
– 2:00pm

Have fun, spin hard with the best FFC Spin Instructors, outside on the sundeck at FFC Lincoln Park, with raffles, giveaways, and a post-class receptionRegister for Outdoor Spin

For more event information:

Why One Day 100 Bikes?

Our mission is to help provide bicycles to students and healthcare workers in rural Africa, by supporting World Bicycle Relief.  World Bicycle Relief, an international non-profit, based here in Chicago, mobilizes people through The Power of Bicycles.  World Bicycle Relief is committed to helping people conquer the challenge of distance, achieve independence, and thrive. World Bicycle Relief builds and distributes specially- designed, locally-assembled, rugged bicycles to students, healthcare workers and entrepreneurs through study-to-own and work-to-own programs.

Take a quick look at the impact of the work of World Bicycle Relief in these two short videos: Mobilize Me (:30) and Palabana (:30) Bicycles change lives!

Mobilize Me 30sec from World Bicycle Relief on Vimeo.

The Bike

Buffalo Bicycles are durable, featuring steel alloy frames, forks and spokes and a rear carrier capacity rated to 250 lbs. Weighing 50 pounds, the heft of the steel frame is not a hindrance but evidence of the bicycle’s strength. WBR is committed to using high-quality, well-designed parts. This improves the bicycle’s functionality, reliability and strength, and keeps more Buffalo Bicycles on the road.

Come join us for Filmed by Bike, a Morning Group Ride, or Outdoor Spin!

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