Lee Diamond
  • 53, Male
  • Chicago, IL
  • United States
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Lee Diamond's Friends

  • Andrew St. Paul
  • West Town Bikes
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  • Becca Dill
  • Sonny Sherwood
  • Lisa Curcio
  • BK
  • Lee Daimond, B. S. Reality
  • Michelle Loomis
  • Yasmeen
  • Jeff Zoline
  • Wolf-Pup
  • daWillinChi
  • mark stetson
  • Agnieszka Z.

Lee Diamond's Discussions

Tour of Evanston cancelled
3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ifi Susana Sep 22, 2014.


Lee Diamond's Page

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cathycycling replied to Lee Diamond's discussion Stolen Bike Registry - do this when your bike gets stolen
"Hey there, I’ve been following the stolen bike registry and it’s definitely a helpful resource for the community. One thing that I always recommend to fellow cyclists is ensuring your bike is well-lit, especially if you’re riding…"
Feb 27
Supreet Muppavarapu replied to Lee Diamond's discussion Stolen Bike Registry - do this when your bike gets stolen
Jun 28, 2019
Supreet Muppavarapu replied to Lee Diamond's discussion Stolen Bike Registry - do this when your bike gets stolen
"Hi Everyone, I'm new to the group. My Trek 8.4 DS was stolen yesterday right off of Wacker Drive (211 West Wacker). Security camera in my office building caught the guy, he was hanging in the building lobby for a good 15 minutes before walking…"
Jun 28, 2019

Profile Information

What I ride:
Road, Fixed Gear
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Around Town, My job involves biking, My business involves biking
What brings you to The Chainlink?
About me:
I am a 40 year-old cyclist that has been bicycling since I can remember. I am a transplant to the Chicago area and have been in the city since 1995 when I moved here with my wife to open a record store. I have been hosting monthly bike tours of different Chicago neighborhoods since March of 2008. You can see more about them here:


I co-own Big Shoulders Realty and do the bike tours. I play drums, am a husband to Chaney and a father to Zoe and Jackson.
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

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Comment Wall (32 comments)

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At 7:35am on June 17, 2010, mike tomas said…
At 5:44pm on May 6, 2010, Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) said…
Happy Birthday! You share this special day with my sister and one of my best friends.
At 7:44pm on March 11, 2010, Vilda said…
No worries Papa! ;-) Had a great time! ;-)
At 11:07am on March 11, 2010, Ron said…
Hi Lee, that message disappeared when I accepted the friend request. Sounds like perhaps you saw the Schwinn on CL? With the long Shimano brake. That thing worked really well. I'd give up a lot to be able to get more of them.
At 2:22pm on February 27, 2010, Vilda said…
Great Ride and thanks for the after party at Janiks! ;-) Great stuff! ;-)
At 1:09pm on December 16, 2009, Ian said…
Lee, things are good. I hope to make it out this Sat., and may be driving (time constraints on the evening) from Bucktown?WP nbrhd. If anyone needs a ride (with or without their bike) please put him/her/them in touch with me.
At 3:44am on December 3, 2009, Doug Haynes said…
I figured that group was a good place for it...

Something about that guy annoys me.
At 7:07pm on November 28, 2009, Andrew Bedno said…
Lee, you set the bar. Your preparedness is perfect and your tours worth paying for.
At 10:38am on November 25, 2009, Michael M said…
All of the homes (except 1 or 2) S. Millard between Ogden and 16th have Romanesque pillars on their porches and almost all have extensive carved and/or molded decorations on their greystone fronts. I've seen similar homes here and there in Lawndale and other parts of the South side, but I haven't noticed so many very similar homes in a two block stretch anywhere else on the south side.
At 10:54am on September 7, 2009, Natalie said…
Hi, Lee! I didn't even see your wall post till now. Thanks for saying hey. Jerry has been limiting his cycling distances since he was hobbled by chronic tendinitis in his hamstring, and I've been racing this summer, so we haven't had time to get to any of the neighborhood tours. Ironically enough, once the weather gets crappy we'll probably start getting out more on organized rides.

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