The whole muhgilla. In this case? I used a mini plug-to-RCA converter, gaffer-taped to the lower rig in 'pimped1" so that it is "break-away"... Should the rider and bike become divorced. "Bike winter" requires that the MP3 goes in my pocket. That to keeps the batteries warm and rocking. The Mini-Marshall runs on a 9-volt, which will everntually choke in the ultra-cold. I keep a spare in my pocket, to switch out when this surely happens. I always insulate the terminals with a teenie swatch of gaffer tape, to prevent short circuit. Gaffer tape, Yes. Just like the movie credits!!! I cannot stress this enough people! It is the "thinking-mans" duct tape. Used on stage, sets, movie lighting etc. It is re-usuable, easily and cleanly tear-able, multiply re-stickable, cloth/clothing and skin friendly, can be unstuck from itself and even after months it does not leave ANY gum behind. Makes fantastic handle-bar wrap and medical tape in a pinch. Available in a myriad of colors @Chicago Canvas Supply on Lawrence. Thank me later bodgers!

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