Views: 30

Albums: FBC 080609
Location: Chicago, IL


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Comment by Ryan L on August 7, 2009 at 10:04pm
Ejector Seat is a f-ing great album. Mezcal Head was my first which made me a fan 4 life. Next time our paths cross we should talk music and stuff. Amazing the bands that are out there that so few have heard and yet are so amazing!
Comment by Aaron Bussey on August 7, 2009 at 8:05am
Thanks Ryan for reminding me that I still didn't have Ejector Seat reservation.....gotta love torrents - 2hours to go...
Comment by Ryan L on August 7, 2009 at 7:56am
Nice! I've easily seen Swervedriver/Toshack Highway/Adam Franklin/Bolts of Melody more than any other band. Did you go to the reunion show at the Metro last year. It was incredible! I actually have a pedal signed by Adam Franklin fro when he played at Reckless like 8 years ago with T.H. and a pick he used after playing at The Black Cat in D.C. for the 99th Dream tour. I actually have a few picks from bands I acquired over the years that I keep taped to the inside of my acoustic case.

Comment by Aaron Bussey on August 7, 2009 at 7:44am
I saw Swervedriver in concert once back in Detroit.....Son of a Mustang Ford and the rest of the whole Raise album are my favs...
Comment by Ryan L on August 7, 2009 at 7:34am
I'm not a huge fan of folky music actually. Radiohead, No Knife, Swervedriver, Pixies, etc..... Sara listens to Ani Difranco a lot and it makes me want to choke babies.

If you zoom in on my face you can tell how incredibly drunk I was. I wasn't even playing anything because I was so drunk, kinda ad libbed the whole time. I think I kinda pissed off the owner a bit with my Emo-ish vibe. lol
Comment by Aaron Bussey on August 7, 2009 at 5:21am
Ryan - "You guys like John Mayer?"

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