Daughter loves biking

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Comment by Rob Hernandez on June 3, 2013 at 10:44am
Thanks! Never had an issue with the helmet and my face hitting it. Had a good amount of clearance. As far as for the emergency brake. It was rarely used since it indeed is a fixed. And when used its in a form of combining it with my legs. There is plenty of Clarence from underneath the shoulder rest to steer. I too was very iffy about getting a front seat. I thought of my steering. My knees getting in the way when pedaling and most important my daughters safety. The 5 point harness prevents my daughter from being catapulted.
This seat is indeed like a kangaroo pouch I feel like she's more safe in between my arms and legs while riding. Also enjoys bike rides unlike the rear seats where kids have to deal with the scenery and scent of their parents stinky behind. Thanks for the concerns and hope I could of replied sooner. Ride Safely!
Comment by Donald P Kingston on February 3, 2013 at 8:36pm

I wondered about the no brake arm, just thought maybe a new fangled type hub. The way things are being invented I can't keep up.

As for catapulting the child, never having used a bike seat setup, front or back, ( just some riding double as a kid ) why woudn't the seat belt be good enough?


Comment by Donald P Kingston on February 2, 2013 at 12:33am

it appears tobe a single speed. rear brake rotate pedal backward.


Comment by Donald P Kingston on February 1, 2013 at 8:00pm

WOW cool looking bike and set-up.

How do you keep from slapping your face or mouth on the helmet?

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