Surprise Announcement! There is a very special bonus activity for anyone who donates online for the Graffiti and Gears Adventure Cycling Tour West Town Bikes fund raiser. Thanks to Stas Developments you will be granted special access inside St. Bonafice Church (1358 W. Chestnut St. across from Eckhardt Park) to get a rare glimpse at the vast grafitti art throughout the church walls. St. Bonafice Church was saved from the wrecking ball to be converted into a music school and housing. Here is a link to the complete story.

Rules to enter inside...

- donation must be made before the end of the day Saturday 7/15 via the online links below
- pre-ride viewing will be allowed from 8:00 am to 8:30 am Sunday 7/16
- you will need to sign a waiver before entering the church
- unlike the promotional photo I took, bikes won't be allowed inside the church. We will have someone watching everyones bikes outside while you visit inside
- The second floor will be off limits and you must stay within the taped off area

Online donation links:




Thank you for your generosity!

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