Epic Bike Story: What I Did This Summer On My Bike by Melissa Zammit

This has been my year of biking with over 3000 miles logged since January I am feeling pretty strong and confident.  I commute to work and ride longer distances on the weekends for fun.  I've met a lot of new people that will probably turn into life long friends, thank you cycling for everyone I've met!!
My summer has included training for a ride that was raising money for cancer research.  In February I signed up for 180 miles in two days to be done in August when I had no idea how strong I would be or if I'd be up for it.  But I knew I had to do it because cancer touches so many lives!  If some people can endure chemotherapy and endless treatments that make them ill, I could ride 180 miles!  Almost 8,000 riders came together for an emotional weekend and hundreds of people came out to cheer us on.  Strangers were thanking me for riding and helping to save their lives or a loved one's life.  It was tearful and wonderful.  I ended the second day with a small group of wonderful riders (that's me in the cookie monster jersey!)  Even though they were faster than I am they all decided we should stick together until the end.  Riding across that finish line to cheers, cow bells and clapping was wonderful! And to know, as a group of riders, we raised over 15 million for research is amazing. The cycling community is filled with wonderful people that would do anything for you, I love the cycling community!! 


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