Happy International Women's Day 2019 all you AWESOME ladies!  

Come one...Come all to the Driftless Randonneurs, based out of beautiful Western Wisconsin.  The Driftless Randonneurs has an exceptional 2019 calendar and registration is open for all of the events. Some highlights include: 

  • 12 weekends to ride Randonneur USA events in Southwestern Wisconsin in the Driftless region of Wisconsin with plenty of hills to enjoy
  • tri-hosting Midwest Brevet Week with Quad City and Minnesota Randonneurs with theme of "Build your own Brevet Week"
  • Tour of Driftless 1000K Brevet June 21st
  • Randonneurs USA Dart Populaire Team Event in July
  • October Galena weekend co-hosted with Quad City Randonneurs

The Regional Brevet Administrator (RBA) for the region is Greg Smith, who lives near Richland Center.  Greg started the region because he felt the area of SW Wisconsin is ideal for cycling with a wide network of paved and lightly traveled roads and he wanted to share some of his favorite rides and routes with others.  Greg has the additional goal of increasing the interest and participation in randonneuring within Wisconsin.

Come out and give randonneuring in southwestern Wisconsin and try and see what Randonneurs USA is all about!   




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