Anyone interested in volunteering for the Women Bike Chicago A day of Dialogue and Demonstrations, please raise your hand here.

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I'm in! Bringing a friend who is excited to get out on her bike for the first time for REAL this time.

There should be lots of "good vibes" to help keep her excited.  The "keynote presentation" will be from women who started riding as an adult, restarted as an adult, and restarted after a crash. 

Reba 4.0 mi said:

I'm in! Bringing a friend who is excited to get out on her bike for the first time for REAL this time.

The general plan is a keynote address, four informational type sessions at set times generally covering how to buy a bike and what to look for in a bike shop, commuting/transit, family biking, comfort/dressing. There will be safety skills demonstrations by certified instructors, bike share information, and a "bike corral" with lots of different bikes to see and try.  There will be a way to hook up with possible "bike buddies" and information about safe routes.  Our capacity inside is about 80 people.  Help will be needed with registration, helping people connect, helping people find their way around, overseeing the bike corral.  I am guessing that our certified instructors will need some folks around, too.

Most important, women who don't bike or are tentative cyclists need to see women who bike who look like them or at least look like someone they know, and who are willing to answer questions.  They want to know that one does not need to wear cycling specific clothing to ride a bike.  They need to know that  it is possible to ride for fun, ride for errands, ride to work without taking a whole lot of trouble.  Being present to be examples of women who do it every day will be a big part of what we need.

This sounds great! My question is: who is coming and how will they learn about it? 

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

The general plan is a keynote address, four informational type sessions at set times generally covering how to buy a bike and what to look for in a bike shop, commuting/transit, family biking, comfort/dressing. There will be safety skills demonstrations by certified instructors, bike share information, and a "bike corral" with lots of different bikes to see and try.  There will be a way to hook up with possible "bike buddies" and information about safe routes.  Our capacity inside is about 80 people.  Help will be needed with registration, helping people connect, helping people find their way around, overseeing the bike corral.  I am guessing that our certified instructors will need some folks around, too.

Most important, women who don't bike or are tentative cyclists need to see women who bike who look like them or at least look like someone they know, and who are willing to answer questions.  They want to know that one does not need to wear cycling specific clothing to ride a bike.  They need to know that  it is possible to ride for fun, ride for errands, ride to work without taking a whole lot of trouble.  Being present to be examples of women who do it every day will be a big part of what we need.

Oh, and sign me up to volunteer!

Jennifer--just shows that you CAN wear cycling specific clothing--not that you MUST.  Also, you are wearing "normal" clothes under it, so that is something people need to understand.

I like that jacket, too, and have it on my list of things to save my pennies for!

Barbara--I think we will like your idea of video!  Will keep you posted.

I can help too!  Happy to talk about my experiences riding as a real estate agent in nice clothes.  

Julie, I think we have a time slot for you!

I'd be happy to volunteer for something. I just moved to Chicago about 6 months ago, but have been a bike commuter (non-car owner) for about 7 years now. And I just love biking.  

Leigh, welcome!  We are hoping to finish our list of volunteer needs in the next couple of days and I will post them here.  Generally, we are going to need help with registration, making sure whatever snacks and drinks we have are kept replenished, help in the "bike corral" where we are planning to have our bikes so people can check them out and try riding if they would like, maybe help for the instructors doing the traffic safety skill training, help coordinating "ride buddies" and just talking to less experienced cyclists about your love of biking and your commuting.

The exact location is Addams Hall on the UIC campus.  It is about 830 S. Halsted.  More information to come.  Looking forward to meeting you.


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