Rahm has no visible agenda towards alternative transportation issues, but has a link to hear about our ideas.



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I just used the link to send a message about transportation and how it was important to me as a voter.  If enough people mention it as an important issue, it might give him insentive to put it on the agenda.
Exactly.  As I mentioned in the brainstorming topic, I think that candidates hearing about sustainable transportation and related public health topics from MANY constituents are much more likely to address these issues and take them seriously.

Liz said:
I just used the link to send a message about transportation and how it was important to me as a voter.  If enough people mention it as an important issue, it might give him insentive to put it on the agenda.
And he's back

starting to offer something of substance to the alt.trans issues



Finally!  I'm glad to see this.

iggi said:

starting to offer something of substance to the alt.trans issues



"Rahm Emanuel Wants to Expand Chicagos Bike Network"



no real substance in the article about how it will be achieved, but the consideration is welcomed

For what it's worth, during his interview on "At Issue" on WBBM radio last night, adding 100 miles of bike lanes was the first item Rahm brought up (in a bigger discussion on the "luxury tax" plan) to distinquish himself as an idea man from Chico whom he portrayed as a hater who has spent his energy attacking Rahm and not putting ideas out there.  


I'd love to provide a link but the episode is not yet posted. 


Extra credit - diagram that monstrosity of a first sentence in this post.  

sentence diagrams inexplicably keep coming up.  they are like the new chuck norris.  i just dont understand

Joe TV said: 

Extra credit - diagram that monstrosity of a first sentence in this post.  


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