Does anyone have any thoughts on the election for City Clerk? Just asking because when I got my sample ballot it was the only contested position that I hadn't heard much about any of the candidates.

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does del valle keep that position if he doesnt succeed as mayor?

By running for Mayor, De Valle is out of the position.


both of the new candidates are saying they would like to reduce the parking sticker fee.  Which I don't agree with.  I think that this fee is essential to pay for all the road maitanence required by having so many vehicles within a city. C

iggi said:

does del valle keep that position if he doesnt succeed as mayor?
I meet Susana Mendoza a few months ago and was very impressed. She has tons of energy, is very tech savvy, and seems to really have a heart for public service. I say give her a chance.

Liz said:

By running for Mayor, De Valle is out of the position.


both of the new candidates are saying they would like to reduce the parking sticker fee.  Which I don't agree with.  I think that this fee is essential to pay for all the road maitanence required by having so many vehicles within a city. C

iggi said:

does del valle keep that position if he doesnt succeed as mayor?
I agree with you and think this is something we should speak up about.

Liz said:
both of the new candidates are saying they would like to reduce the parking sticker fee.  Which I don't agree with.  I think that this fee is essential to pay for all the road maitanence required by having so many vehicles within a city. C

iggi said:

does del valle keep that position if he doesnt succeed as mayor?

Does anyone know the exact value of car free households in chicago?


I believe its 30% but I don't a good data source. 

Also I'll try and put together some data on road maitanence to public transit expenses.  This will give a better idea of the services funding and from what sources.




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