Hi everyone,

Please join us March 22 for a forum focused on walking, biking and transit in the 46th Ward. The two candidates - James Cappleman and Molly Phelan - will join us for what should be a very productive discussion. Details below! Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions or if you are interested in helping get the word out. Thanks!





Join us March 22 to hear from 46th Ward aldermanic candidates James Cappleman and Molly Phelan at a public forum on walking, biking and transit.

The candidates will answer questions and share their ideas on ways to make the 46th Ward a safe and easy place to walk, bike and take transit.

Plus, learn about biking, walking and transit solutions that will help solve other issues like business development and crime.

Who: Candidates James Cappleman and Molly Phelan
When: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22
Where: Gill Park, 825 W. Sheridan Road

This event is FREE! Questions? Email mkohara1@gmail.com

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Just a reminder that TONIGHT is the 46th Ward Candidates Forum on walking, biking and transit. Come one, come all!


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