Watch for painted pavement on ice - like green bike lanes and crosswalks!

I crashed and broke my nose the instant I hit a green bike lane yesterday! I also happen to be a very active bike advocate whose passion is commuting. I continually urge others to bike commute year round and have assisted in and conducted my own safe cycling workshops, always containing a bit about painted pavement (crosswalks, etc) being extra slick when wet.

I'll be back on my bike as soon as I'm no longer on pain pills! But for now - I just wanted to send out a friendly reminder to all you winter riders - Keep it up! But be extra careful for painted pavement - especially those green bike lanes!

Views: 55

Replies to This Discussion

Wow, good to know. I hope that you are ok.
R U ok? anything I can do?
I thought that they were marketing those green bike lanes to be more visible and less slippery. Wow! I'm shocked!


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