I put this out on another forum and got some interest. There may be a few here as well, especially from the Chicago area.
Along my travels the past years a few people have asked about a bike rally in Michigan. Of course there are a lot of places many people would like along the lakeshore, but I realized that two things which have reached international importance are right out my back door and I do it every year. Every year around the end of Sept I ride up to Yankee Springs Campground and spend the weekend where I ride through the forest along the route of the Barry Roubaix gravel race and spend the following day riding (or driving/riding, depending on the weather) to Grand Rapids for the Art Prize competition. 
I thought I would throw that out there and invite anybody who wishes to tag along. It would be the last weekend of September 2015. 


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The way things stand 6 weeks out we have about 15 people intending to come.  I plan to reserve 4 adjacent campsites at the modern campgrounds in Yankee Springs Sept 25th & 26, they are Large sites made for RV's and should provide us with room for everybody to have their privacy and still be able to hang out without searching around for each other. The sites allow up to 6 people per site so we will have room for last minute people. Cost will be around $20 per person for the weekend.  Plus whatever food you might decide on. 
The itinerary looks like this:   
Friday meet and hang out for snacks and beverages. MTB trails are nearby for anybody inclined with                               the time. 
Saturday, around 10 am take a casual gravel road tour of the forest to Hastings where we can lunch at the Walldorff Brewpub, return again on a different route through the forest.  I guessing 40-45 miles round trip.   
Sunday, after packing up, those inclined can caravan up to GR where we will stage out and take a ride through E GR to downtown and enjoy the spectacle of Art Prize. 

All that being said, I have been invited to extend an invitation to join a C&V contingent at the Barry Roubaix Fall Fondo which is being organized.  I just heard of this yesterday and we would all have to agree to change the date to Oct.9-10th and pay an extra $20 registration fee.  I imagine it will be a typical gravel grinding gathering with a small CV group participating.  I am inclined to say no, since most have already planned their time, but thought it only decent to throw it in front of the group. 



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