How do folks feel about July 31 or August 14?  Both days have verrrry little in the way of conflicting bike events as yet, and each would give us enough time I think to get the plans laid.

I think the plan is still a Eurotrash ride.  Pleather pants, lots of shine, fake tans, slick hair.  Yes?

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August 14 I'll be in Las Vegas

So it looks like July 31 is now the official date of the dance ride. K thx!
August 14 is the Punk Rock ride!
so july 31 is looking good so farrrr
i know who my date will be

July 31st is a good date. And I'm not knocking the Eurotrash concept, I love it. But that evening there is already an epic dance party called NEON APOCALYPSE happening. And it may be cool to integrate the ride and theme into its over arching techno-punk thing. It's an "End of the World Dance Party" with costumes encouraged, $3 for electro warriors and neon tribalists; $3 for robots, mutants, and manimals, $5 everyone else.

And to add weight to this idea there are already some regular Chainlinkers who are marked as Maybe or will attend.


AMANDA: how do you feel about RDDR:EUROTRASH proper happening in early september? i kind of want to be a neon robotic manimal.......

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

July 31st is a good date. And I'm not knocking the Eurotrash concept, I love it. But that evening there is already an epic dance party called NEON APOCALYPSE happening. And it may be cool to integrate the ride and theme into its over arching techno-punk thing. It's an "End of the World Dance Party" with costumes encouraged, $3 for electro warriors and neon tribalists; $3 for robots, mutants, and manimals, $5 everyone else.

And to add weight to this idea there are already some regular Chainlinkers who are marked as Maybe or will attend.
I am pretty sure I wake up and dress like an electro warrior more mornings than not.
If we agree to theme the ride on Neon Apocalypse, and if y'all want, I will contact the promoters and see if there is anyway to get our ride sanctioned and promoted by their crew. By the way at the bottom you'll see that there is a burlesque show being performed by our very own Ammo of being freakin' awesome fame.
Like the Eurotrash theme. In lieu of costume I was going to ride around with a look of moral superiority;-)
Sounds fun!

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

July 31st is a good date. And I'm not knocking the Eurotrash concept, I love it. But that evening there is already an epic dance party called NEON APOCALYPSE happening. And it may be cool to integrate the ride and theme into its over arching techno-punk thing. It's an "End of the World Dance Party" with costumes encouraged, $3 for electro warriors and neon tribalists; $3 for robots, mutants, and manimals, $5 everyone else.

And to add weight to this idea there are already some regular Chainlinkers who are marked as Maybe or will attend.
Do not mind at all sounds like a blast.lets do it ill see if i can get it off if not ill be meeting up with you guys at some point of that night .

Michelle Green said:


AMANDA: how do you feel about RDDR:EUROTRASH proper happening in early september? i kind of want to be a neon robotic manimal.......

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:

July 31st is a good date. And I'm not knocking the Eurotrash concept, I love it. But that evening there is already an epic dance party called NEON APOCALYPSE happening. And it may be cool to integrate the ride and theme into its over arching techno-punk thing. It's an "End of the World Dance Party" with costumes encouraged, $3 for electro warriors and neon tribalists; $3 for robots, mutants, and manimals, $5 everyone else.

And to add weight to this idea there are already some regular Chainlinkers who are marked as Maybe or will attend.


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