Cleaning up we found some items that were left behind, and I also overheard people talking about things that they are missing.

So if you lost or found anything while camping post it here!


I FOUND a pink water bottle that has an "Uncle Dan's Great Outdoor Store" logo on it

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I lost my sunglasses, but I think I may have left them at the bike shop.

I think I left a frisbee and a pink metal water bottle. The frisbee has a chicago ultimate summer league 2008 logo on it. The water bottle has a triathlon or a multisport label and has a carabiner on the cap.

I think i saw the water bottle. we sent some stuff home with sol and julie so they Might have it. ill make sure they see this posting!

S said:

I think I left a frisbee and a pink metal water bottle. The frisbee has a chicago ultimate summer league 2008 logo on it. The water bottle has a triathlon or a multisport label and has a carabiner on the cap.

I "borrowed" someones bungie cord in order to strap my garbage can to my handlebars...
Lost a black cycling hat with chicago sky line on the bill. It had colored stripes down the center. Said Urban velo on the top of the bill.
I lost my bike camping virginity. Don't want it back.
The pink metal water bottle has made it back to its rightful owner. I do still have some knives and spoons that were in a ziplock bag.
I *found* a whole new way to enjoy cycling, the outdoors, and all my chainlink peeps !

let's do it again...

Hey, Last year I went to camp with my family, It was an unforgettable amazing trip. There I lost my favorite designer sunglasses, which I did not find. As soon as we return home, I started searching for the similar wholesale sunglasses, while exploring I found latest designer sunglasses but it was little different from my sunglasses.


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