its never too soon to go camping camping ride (MAY RIDE 5/22, 5/23)

this thread is for keeping all the info organized for the MAY camping ride to Illinois Beach State Park in Zion.


When you ask...well, due to popular availability this will be held on 5/22 and 5/23.  Please RSVP via the link below The RSVP will need to be closed the last week of April so that we have a hard confirmation of persons and needed campsites since we need to reserve those and try to get the sites next to eachother.  They do not have group sites.  Sites are limited to 4 adults and two tents.


Metting place will be North Shore Channel Trail entrance at Lawrence & California.


the RSVP...


the park..


the poll...


the gear list...

Views: 228

Replies to This Discussion

What am I? Old Mother Hubbard?
Michael A said:
... as far as the non family limit goes we can all just say we are Garth's grandkids
The link didn't work for me.

Katie Paffhouse said:
I would be interested in doing this, depending on the date (has this been decided yet?). I have a 3-person tent that I could share (have fit 5 people in it before, but it was extra cozy). It is not exactly light, and I have never camped by bike before, but I'm sure we could make it work.

I also could not open the spreadsheet.
I'm sorry to say that the link did not work for me either. However, I will happily report all supplies that I can muster via REI or incredibly generous friends. And has a date been set yet?

Also, I wanted to remind people that while buying booze near the campsite would be the ideal thing to do, and what I would think to do, Zion is a dry town and it's not likely to be an option.
Still doesn't work. Maybe try making a Google docs form to feed into the spreadsheet? That's what I've done in the past.

Katie Paffhouse said:
It should work now - I think?

jamimaria said:
Still doesn't work. Maybe try making a Google docs form to feed into the spreadsheet? That's what I've done in the past.

Katie Paffhouse said:
Seems to work fine!
Obviously its just my opinion, but I'd rather see just a large group of cyclist, not cars an stuff that wount be used...
then again as long as its camping ;-)
When does the poll close and the date get chosen? i am getting antsy
i sensed the natives were getting restless...dates are up

Laura said:
When does the poll close and the date get chosen? i am getting antsy


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