its never too soon to go camping camping ride (MAY RIDE 5/22, 5/23)

this thread is for keeping all the info organized for the MAY camping ride to Illinois Beach State Park in Zion.


When you ask...well, due to popular availability this will be held on 5/22 and 5/23.  Please RSVP via the link below The RSVP will need to be closed the last week of April so that we have a hard confirmation of persons and needed campsites since we need to reserve those and try to get the sites next to eachother.  They do not have group sites.  Sites are limited to 4 adults and two tents.


Metting place will be North Shore Channel Trail entrance at Lawrence & California.


the RSVP...


the park..


the poll...


the gear list...

Views: 210

Replies to This Discussion


iggi said:
Do you think you can find me a site this next Saturday? I'm prepared to come down from MIlwaukee, WI and intend to meet you there at the park.

iggi said:
Campers, i think some of the confusion is coming from having conversation threads on both the RSVP page and here. We should stick to one. I reccommend the RSVP page, simply because most of our questions now will be to that effect. Word?
Attn :
suchandra -

can you email or call/text me : 312 622 6285 ???

I have a request about transporting something in your car (if that is still an options)



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