I'm looking to ride at least 30 miles and up to 100 miles on Saturday, Sunday or Monday morning.  Quick pace, 16-20ish.  I'm totally flexible on day and locations, just desperate for some milage.

It doesn't seem like any club has a century scheduled this weekend.  The BLT was great but not my usual pace.  And Monday night's CCC ride was a flat fest that went long so we rode in the dark.  So I need to put in some good, quick miles. 

Anyone interested?

Y A J (Jen) 

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jen - I am up for any distance Sat or Sun. Also - XXX / Athletico goes to highland park from
wicker park Saturday at 7am.

Great Dan. Let's see if we get any other interest.
And thanks for the XXX tip, I've heard about that ride but never done it. Have you?
If anyone is interested, Saturday I'm riding out to Joliet then east to Flossmoor which is about 75 miles total, but from there I'm taking the Metra home.

Monday I'm up for a ride anywhere.
Your Saturday plan sounds interesting. what's your planned route to Joliet?
It reminds me I've meant to do the I & M canal to Centenial trail... is that the one that goes out there?

I've used that Flossmoor station to train home from both this year's Three Floyds rides.
(btw Jen, I'm Alex of Jamis Aurora fame.)

Yup, it goes on the I&M Canal trail. The idea behind the route is that it hits three paved bike paths (Salt Creek Trail, I&M Canal Trail, and the Plank Road Trail) so that about half the milage is on bike paths. The Plank Road Trail ends a few miles south of Flossmoor, so that makes a logical end point.

I've got the route mapped on my work computer and I can post it tommorrow.
Oh hey!
I like that plan. What time are you thinking of heading out?
i may be up for something this weekend as well.

Monday's CCC ride was my first with that group, and I'm glad to hear that ride isn't the norm.

I have a flight early Saturday afternoon, but if anyone wants to get some miles in before 10:00 I'm in.
I am going to leave around 8:30 or so. Here is the route:

Jamie, oh, that was a tough first ride. Don't hold it against us though, because it is usually much better than that. Things seem to happen in waves, we either have zero flats and get in 30+ quick miles or have four flats like Monday night when 30 miles took like 3 hours.
I've been informed that Metra has a bike blackout Sep. 2-5 for the stupid Jazz Fest, so I will be doing the Joliet-Flossmoor ride on Monday, the Labor Day.

Still up for a ride wherever on Saturday.
oh rats!
Well ok, then our Monday ride is all set.

so I'm back to the original question: where / when do we ride on Saturdy? I say we imitate a CCC Monday night route on Saturday morning, starting at 8am. Are you up for that?


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